fight of survival rp

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by the_destroyer, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. Ok so you are a group of people who all excel at a different type of fighting. The world as you knew it is gone. Vile dark creatures from another realm have invaded your world. You must fight to survive. The most ferocious of the creatures has long blades in his arms he calls himself baraka and he is following the orders of another that you have not seen. Then you have the reptile a ninja who is reptilian. There is the dragon king onaga. You must fight to survive against the hordes of vile spawn that they have unleashed.

    Colin "Scorpion" LeMoine
    Excels at fighting with throwing weapons and swords
    Calm, collected, lethal, protective
    Bio: he was the first to start the fight against these vile invaders and has been fighting for three years
  2. (This is way better see?)

    Benjamin Shade
    Excels at combat with Razors, daggers and throwing knives
    Serious, sarcastic, hard to trust someone, lone wolf
  3. (Too lazy to create a character profile)
  4. Lord Taters
    A gruff older man
    Excels with large two handed weapons
  5. Ill join this later
  6. Instead of taters
    Mic Foley
    He is good with blunt weapons
  7. (Accepted go mick)