Oh..Oh My..

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Vnicorn, Aug 4, 2013.

  1. So I'm just sitting at the table, eating dinner, the news playing in the back ground when my grandmother puts a hand on my shoulder and asks me if I'm a lesbian.

    She proceeded to ask if I was planning on marrying one of my 'girl friends'..

    I asked her why she asked me that.

    She just simply told me that I gave off the 'lesbian vibe'

    That was two weeks ago. Now half of my family is convinced and insisting that I am, indeed, lesbian..
  2. Congrats?
  3. ;-; I don't think I act lesbian.. I really don't... V.V Not that I have anything against homosexuals...
  4. I have the same problem? 
  5. My parents think I am gay. We are on the same boat buddy 
  6. Scientists say that they are on the verge of creating the first human-made neutron star. How exciting.
  7. I wouldnt even care 
  8. What is "Lesbian"? :D
  9. I think it's a person who likes pandas. 

    You and me both brah . Apparently my grandma is concerned about not getting proper great-grandchildren. -.-
  10. Oh my that must have been freaky there had to be a moment of silence
  11. old ppl and their gender stereotypes are funny. its probly because you wear pants too often or maybe your shoes look like boots… who knows lol
  12. If my parents have a doubt on that, they would project it off of their minds and make me marry a guy ASAP  they wouldn't believe it even if I told them! Haha I'm not lesbian though
  13. Im a lesbian...

    In a mans body XD lololololol
  14. ^ that is the worst thing ive ever seen written on pimd i am so sorry
  15. Another idiot post. Shut up
  16. Oh dearie, I have the same problem!  Same boat, my dad and grandparents thinks I'm straight as a rainbow.
  17. I remember when I was 14 and my parents and my sister accused me of being gay because I hadn't had my first girlfriend yet.