Birthday present ideas?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ltachi, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. Get her a bunny
  2. Give her a puppy , puppy keeps her entertained.
  3. Or a fish
  4. Puppies live longer lol
  5. Depends on what kind of fish. A $50 fish would live longer than a $50 dog. Just saying.
  6. Does she like stuffed animals. Webkinz are pretty popular.
  7. A Necklace or earrings 
  8. Rob..... The OP on this is Jopo lol
  9. Lingeries. To attract the boys. And girls, if she rolls like that.
  10.  If she has a wii get her a singing game and microphone
  11. UNW4NTED

    Join now (I assure u it's not an emo club)
  12. Thats embarrassing. Sorry JOPO 
  13. A furby jopo a furby.
  14. Hmmmm..... Interesting ideas...
    She doesn't give clues tho... Last birthday I bought her $32 worth of dolls. Which she doesn't play with now...
  15.  I would like a giant Harry Styles cut out...
  16. Well.. When I was ten, I loved shoes with print. Some popular prints are galaxy. :3
  17. Take her to Target, give her money and tell her "don't get anything educational".
  18. I like that one ^