My Parents

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Nephirus-, Aug 4, 2013.

  1. [​IMG]

    Here's Ethan  Grumpy as ever.
  2. When I said disagree, I didn't mean disobey or not respect your parents decision, i just meant u should be able to discuss things u don't agree with, with ur parents.
    My parents weren't too strict, and i wasn't sheltered from seeing the effects of various life choices, including teen pregnancy, drug and alcohol abuse, lifestyles of different income levels, etc. I was able to disagree and have intellectual conversations and debates with my parents. Sometimes i was wrong and other times I had a valid point. This taught me to use my critical thinking and analytical skills to make decisions for myself. I think it's good for people to be independent and make their own decisions regarding marriage, kids, and career.
    But my opinions may change as my 2 stepdaughters get older.
  3. lol discuss. Says no asian parents ever 
  4. asian parents will never accept that they are wrong but can somehow end up blaming it on you
  5. Gifs that's actually kinda true but oh well what can we do if we're still living under there roof