Æ Alternative Ego Rp

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by S3AN_DA_BOMB, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. Np. We need can start in the morning hopefully
  2. Name: Colin LeMoine
    Personality: kind caring
    Alt personality: hateful angry

    Strengths: strong, fast, nimble
    Weakness: accuracy
    Power: super strong
    Emotion: anger

    Bio: he grew up without any true friends say his real parents murdered and his brothers and sister were separated from him
  3. u still need the Æ application at the top
  4. I might join, and if I do, it'll be tomorrow.
  5. Æ
    Name: Jack

    Age: 17

    Personality: Innapropriate, Sharp Tounged, Witty;

    When Æ: Insane, Lunatic, Merciless, Creepy

    Appearance Normal:[​IMG] (ignore the gun of course.)

    Appearance Æ: [​IMG]

    Strengths: Extremely Smart, Exteremly Acrobatic (when Æ) Quick Thinker.

    Weakness: Isn't Strong, which is why he practices mind tactics. If you get the upper hand physically, Jack sucks.

    Power: When Æ, He can alter imaginations in individuals, finding their deepest fears and unlocking them.

    Emotion needed: Troublesome, he gets such a thrill from causing problems he transforms.
  6. U need a bio and then ur in xp
  7. My bad 

    Bio: Jack grew up in a live of luxury, which he earned for himself. He had his own apartment, good friends, some enemies. He pulled a prank on somebody he disliked and he laughed and his face contorted into a twisted demented smile. He than knew he needed help but he recently embraced his power, it slowly becoming a big part of his life.
  8. ((When I stop being a lazy ass I will probably make a sign up, this actually doesn't suck and it interests me))
  9. ((I'll apply during the week))
  10. Lol guys and ur in jack
  11. Æ Application

    Kirsten O'Leary

  12. It cut off my application. Let me try again.
  13. Æ Application

    •Kirsten O'Leary



    •Normal: Fun, loving, quiet, understanding, cheerful.

    •Æ: Merciless, sarcastic, power-hungry, evil.




    •Sword Combat



    •Anybody who touches any part of her skin or hair will get burned badly.

    ((I hope this is all OK.))
  14. ((  Brooke you forgot a bio!))
  15. ((Bio isn't on the skelly)).
  16. ((  well ark may the guy put a bio on theirs...))
  17. ((I'll do it now!


    Kirsten grew up in Camdon, London. She visited the market every weekend and sold home-made shoe laces. Her mother was a smoking-addict, so Kirsten was forced to make money for the family. Often, her mother would use this money to feed her addiction. After about two years of this, her mother quit, and the family was in debt.))
  18. People keep on putting things that are completely unrelated to Fan fiction. And bumping all the stories down. And people are bringing back rps from forever ago.

     And this one person on here is very rude and disrespectful with commenting. 
  19.  oh no. I was sending this to the wrong thread. Oops.