My Parents

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Nephirus-, Aug 4, 2013.

  1. I asked them if I can sleep over at a guy friend's house. They ask me all of this bs. And then they said that I might be gay… So I ask them if I had a girlfriend, can I sleep over at hers. They said no, they don't want a grandson yet. My parents, the most untrusting parents ever. 
  2. 
  3.  oh my gosh
  4. It's kind of sad
  5. They love you. I think.
  6. Well, they didn't want a grandson yet, but they didn't say anything about a granddaughter.
    Maybe, just'll luck out.

  7. This is something called "extreme omega protective"
  8.  Maton
  9. 
  10.  I've never slept over at anyone's house, because my parents don't trust American parents.  They don't trust me with boys either. >.> Boys encourage pregnancy apparently. Stupid sex craved little bastards.
  11. She slept over my house??
  12. Alice xD
    Hey tell them your gay then go sleep at your future girlfriend's house. Eh. Solves that problem.

    ~NiKKi ♡
  13. They wont even let me have a girlfriend 
  14. Hmm, I thought this game was 18+... if ur an adult, tell ur parents u won't be home that night and it's none of their business.

    To Alice... if ur parents don't trust "American parents" why are they in America? If i were their child, i would pose that question to them, but then again, I'm American, I speak my mind and am allowed to disagree with my family without it being considered disrespectful. No offense toward any other cultures, just stating cultural differences.
  15. Mrs_imagine it's a 17 game 
  16. Oh.... ok.
    Well even at 17, I didn't have to ask my parents if i could spend the night at a friends. I had a car at 16 and pretty much went where ever I wanted. But I guess my parents also trusted me.

    So, OP, yes i agree... ur parents are overly controlling, paranoid and don't seem to know u or ur friends very well.