I asked them if I can sleep over at a guy friend's house. They ask me all of this bs. And then they said that I might be gay… So I ask them if I had a girlfriend, can I sleep over at hers. They said no, they don't want a grandson yet. My parents, the most untrusting parents ever.
Well, they didn't want a grandson yet, but they didn't say anything about a granddaughter. Maybe, just maybe...you'll luck out. ~M
I've never slept over at anyone's house, because my parents don't trust American parents. They don't trust me with boys either. >.> Boys encourage pregnancy apparently. Stupid sex craved little bastards.
Alice xD Hey tell them your gay then go sleep at your future girlfriend's house. Eh. Solves that problem. ~NiKKi ♡
Hmm, I thought this game was 18+... if ur an adult, tell ur parents u won't be home that night and it's none of their business. To Alice... if ur parents don't trust "American parents" why are they in America? If i were their child, i would pose that question to them, but then again, I'm American, I speak my mind and am allowed to disagree with my family without it being considered disrespectful. No offense toward any other cultures, just stating cultural differences.
Oh.... ok. Well even at 17, I didn't have to ask my parents if i could spend the night at a friends. I had a car at 16 and pretty much went where ever I wanted. But I guess my parents also trusted me. So, OP, yes i agree... ur parents are overly controlling, paranoid and don't seem to know u or ur friends very well.