Thanks Harme for being my pupil for my almost whole time playing here - became inactive or semi-active or active. LOL. I know you're not really giving DVs, huhu. But thank though for giving advices in upgrading and for the inactives I can farm. I almost thought of asking for a new pupil since you're not really giving DVs, but no. I decided not to since my club is giving DV. Hahah. Ohmy. This is drama. Loyal tut, little Gvee Teevee.
Cherry, you wouldn't sell me you know you love the berry. <3 But, truthfully Cherry, is by far the best pupil. I love the fact, even though my ass was op from the beginning, she don't get on my ass to fix it. Hell, she didn't pawn me off when I got perm silenced. She is by far so amazing, and a beautiful person even when she gets mad. I <3 you Cherry. You're the bestest.
R--Brokensilence was my first pup an a amazing one at that he helped me so much when i first started an is also a great friend R--PR4NKST3R_THE_MILK_MAN is my new pup an my last pup he is awesome always there to help me
DRM-iFleur_De_Saison- forever my bestie, my MOH, my cuddle buddy love you chickie! Even though it's you're fault I'm still here I think most of Fleur's older tutes will agree she goes above and beyond for us
i got only 2 pupil till lcbc both of them the best person in teaching ,guide and protective -MissAngel- R-HENG thanks for being their when needed
I appreciate my pupil gazzzap_Me.... There is nothin' more to say Ooohhh there is! Congrats for being the first non BC on the vip list.. top 50! Woohoo! well done poo face!
I appreciate my pupil Merk. He has helped and took time to guide me. He truly is a good friend. Respected times infinity. &&I appreciate my pupil's pupil Mr.Universe. He claims to be the most interesting man in the universe. He too takes the time to help. Respect times infinity
Hehe, we should tell the pupil that was appreciated above our posts. So we won't tell our own pupil, but someone else's pupil!
Well I appreciate my pupil the mr univere. He is the best pupil I have had so far and biz boo he is the most interesting man in the love world. Im super glad I have him. He helps me and protects .-. Couldn't ask for a better person <3 you nolan
I super love my current pupil? she was my tut before and now we are in a pupil-tutor relationship. We grew up together and helped each others a lot. Volleys, parties and wars, couldn't ask for more ? love u baby ?