iOS 7 !

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by curlyboy97-issilenced-kikme, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. Have you guys seen it ??
  2. Yes, it looks amazingggggg
  3. It really does I can't wait for it to come out this fall  lol
  4. It comes out the day after my birthday ?
  5. When does it come out? Spectacular
  6. I wanna send it out to world chat but idk if I'm gonna be silenced 
  7. Looks like android....
  8. We don't care if it looks like android ?
  9. Hopefully it will get better. Right now most of my apps are laggy but it's pretty spiffy!
  10. Lol idc if it looks like any other phone , I just love the way it looks 
  11. I downloaded the beta and its sickkk
  12. I already got it 
  13. the beta is super glitchy