Never throw twenty cent coins around

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Ciaraaaaaaaaa, Jul 23, 2013.

  1. So it wasn't so long ago when the sun was hot which turned me from white to red to tan yes good times when I was able to tell people I was Spanish :p joke joke ANYWAYS it was a really hot day and I was so thirsty so I went to a shop which sold slurpee mind you I was a regular customer there like I'm always there I go at least 6 times a week so anyway I checked my pocket and only have $1.80 change and the slurpee was $2.00 so I was like to the man half fill it for me because I only have $1.80 so he smiles an fills up the cup and says $2.00 please I'm like I told u to half fill it because I only have $1.80 then his just yelling blah blah in his Asian accent (not being racist honest) I was so pissed I'm like to him can't I just pay you the twenty cents tomorrow I mean I'm always here ? And then his like no no you have to pay now I'm like you stupid dog ( in my head ) so anyways I check my phone case hoping I will find a note but instead I find my master card and I was like yes woah I can finally go know and then his like I don't accept master card  I'm like WTF I was so mad I literally wanted to cry so after all that I had to call my dad from work to come give me 20 cents after a whole hour waiting in the heat! My dad shows up with five dollars throws it at the man and goes lets go ciara so moral of the story the ass wouldn't even let me go check my car for change anyways never buy from stingy people I know business is business but come on I'm a regular customer and I always tell him to keep the change  ANYWAYS NEVER THROW AWAY 20 CENTS it always comes in handy so sad how people would rather loose a customer then rather loosing 20cents?

    I swear this isn't a lie all are facts it's actually a true story 
  2. What an idiot

    I now want a slurpee
  3. Omg that story! That does suck. Ciara, don't ever go there again, and he will lose a valuable customer. What an ass. Over 20cents? Lol I keep all my change anyway. Because I know one day you will need 20cents for the date with my so. And I'll have to pay for it. 
  4.  poor Ciara
  5. $ 2.00 for water is very expensive
  6. A large slurpee costs $1.80 here. 
  7. Water is actually $2.20 irem this is slurpee
  8. I know angel? and I know Adam I was I mad an hour and a half in the sun for twenty cents ? and don't worry Adam I use master card I will buy ur son anything  and irem that's cheap compared to anything in Aussie everything here is expensive 
  9. Why didnt uou just walk out :eek:
  10. What's your spending limit? $1.80
  11. A large slurpee is like $3.80 here $2.00 for a small one
  12. I couldn't I would get arrested that's like stealing  I'm not like that  and no master card is 10grand I hate carrying change on me I hate walking around and hear my pocket going Ching Ching ching
  13. well I know you sis, and you will have to buy my son the best slurpee out there. The cup has to be made of goldand the straw of real bamboo, with diamonds fitted in the bendy part of it
    And then you will have to take him out in your stretch limo and shower him with all the free apple juice and fruit snacks he wants. And not the cheap, gas station fruit snacks.....the ones that were hand picked from the trees itself, and were flown directly to your house so you can have them on hand for my sweet addy at all times. 
    And also he wants a new bike, and not a huffy. He needs one that has 20's on them and the rims spin, and a place for his stereo 
  14. A large cherry icee here is 99 cents I would of punched him in the face but that's just me haha!
  15. ????your sons gonna make me broke I'm not a millionaire and his gonna make me bank rupt but okay because I love him wish granted ?
  16. April so abbusive ?
  17. its winter in aus tho?
  18. Yeah I said not so long ago  I didn't say recently