I'm kinda surprised no one has mentioned the obvious "catfish" who used to play this game as multiple different people... Or still does with yet another personality?
You know.... As brit and others know my past..... I think i will share what i did and what i have learned from it. So......from May 10,2012- March something 2013..... My name was "Kandy" I lied about who I was, my age.... and many other things. I was insecure and honestly was afraid of others not liking me. It was stupid.... And I've learned and regret doing it. I caused drama, fights, arguments, hurt people, back stabbed people, and lied... It only made my life worse. I fell into a deep depression where I cut myself and I tried to kill myself four or more times. It only got better when I told the truth........ I told my friends, enemies and family everything that I had lied about and it was their choice to stay or go. I learned that people loved me even though I did that to them.... But I was big enough to admit all my wrongs and apologize for everything that I had done. You have no idea how scary it was for me telling about 200 people the truth and not knowing how they would react. Some were angry, mad, happy that I told the truth and others were sad. I made signs, video called with people, took pics of me on third party apps just prove I was the real me regardless what people said. I even emailed support and told them everything. Even proved my age among other things... They forgave me and gave me a second chance to be the real me. They were extremely nice about it and they didn't judge me after I told them. I was lucky enough to be forgiven by many people without them judging me. Ever since then..... I have been nothing but myself... And I'm so much happier being myself than the fake me. My name is Meagan but some people still call me Kandy due to knowing me for a long time as that name... I don't really care... But I'm just glad to be the real me forever and always. Honestly, doing this taught me a lesson..... That I should have never pretended I was someone I wasn't. If you are cat fishing someone...... Please stop..... It will only get worse... I would know :/ just be yourself! You are beautiful, Handsome, cute, and adorable just the way you are! Don't be someone you aren't! It's not worth the pain and problems. Thanks for reading >.< I'm still sorry to this day for my actions and I will always continue to tell people the truth no matter how hard it is.
i guess i might as well admit it then if anyone close to me or knows me reads this im sorry truly sorry that ive lied to you about my persona this is the real me