Did you know that a soul weighs 21 grams?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Hisoka18, Jul 21, 2013.

  1. @He-who-is-not-named
    Sounds more scientifical then religious.
  2. You're right it is scientifical
  3. scientifical is not a word... at least I'm not aware of it being one.
  4. The person that done the weight test on a soul i believe was a fraud so basing your facts on his findings maybe not a great idea
  5. oh…-.- I forgot to put a source =,=
  6. I heard redheads don't have a soul 0.0 ill die my own weight
  7. Did a priest test this, or a scientist?

    When someone dies, they..relieve their bowels.
    They shit themselves when they kick the bucket. Their muscles relax and their organs stop pumping blood.

    The relaxed blood flow and loss of muscle movement would make you weigh less.
    Especially depending on the type of death.
    How did these people die, and why were they being weighed before they died in the first place?..
    And after?

    Did you know he did these experiments on sheep, cats, nice and other animals?
    Dogs had a negative change in weight.
    That means dogs do not have any soul.

    Based on this logic, all dogs are hellhounds.

    "His results have never been attempted to be reproduced, and are generally regarded either as meaningless or considered to have had little if any scientific merit." - Google it.
  8. Its funny people who say its because you shit yourself, my shit weighs more then 21grams not sure about you.
  9. if it's on the internet it must be true…
  10. WHAT IS THIS SHIT??!!!
  11. Dudes ... Y do u care abt how much weight u lose after death?XD
  12. Poor methodology. LOL @ n = 6. Results never replicated.
  13. fake

    i dont have a soul
  14.  well that sucks for you.
  15. I'm pretty sure one of my morning farts would possibly weigh 21 grams