
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -AOD-king, Jul 21, 2013.

  1. Just deciding to get a new pokemon game for DS,despite my age ,i still have a nostalgic yearning for pokemonjust wondering what version should i get,i was thinking of soul silver or platinum?decisions,decisions.which version should i buy?
  2. Pokemon FTW, I played all the versions accept the new ones, 
  3. Soul Silver because gen two was quality 
  4. What a stupid question.

    All of them.
  5.  Think I have Soul Silver.  Don't have a gameboy or that older DS shit. Can't play RUBY 
  6. Is there much of a difference between heartgold or soul silver?
  7.  Not much, but I believe to complete the whole pokedex you need to both.

    Sorry, but gen four was just not good, you are better off with the remakes of gen two x
  9. God dammit, I have a lot of pokemon games. But I'd say soul silver because the graphics are better and it brings back the older version pokemon. I got the Heart Gold version though, but SS is more popular. Although in HG, once your done defeating the game, then you can catch a LV. 70 Lugia which is a higher level than the HO-HO. Since the mascot of the game is the only difference between the two. And in SS its vice-versa.

    I feel like such a nerd. Hooray.
  10. Soul Silver  I've been meaning to buy the game myself lol. I like the remake of the older gen because that's when Pokemon was good. Lugia ftw. 
  11. I'll play Pokemon till the end!  Waiting for Pokemon X and Y to come out
  12. Soul silver all the way
  13. Soul silver 
  14. ?Firered. Or maybe SS. ?I cant wait till the ruby/saphire remix.
  15. Pokemon Blue 