favorite film EVER!!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Mansonfrque, Jul 16, 2013.

  1. So what is it??
    Mine is The Rocky Horror Picture Show!!! I love this damn movie!! Also post your age!! I am 21!! Will be 22 in November!!!!
  2. I have a ton of favorite movies  all the saw movies  and no speaky agey
  3. So you're actually 53 and a weirdo?
  4. Twelve Monkeys. Also, OP is terrifying.
  5. I'm a weirdo but I'm not 53
  6. I'm 53 and a half.  Goodness
  7. [​IMG]

    407 years old
  8. Monty Python and the Holy Grail

    I'm not saying my age, but I can get you in jail.
  9. Hangover part 1
  10. Boondock Saints.
    P.S. I Love You.
    American History X.
    Schindler's List.
    The Great Escape.
    Dirty Mary Crazy Larry.
  11. Pulp fiction
  12. So many good movies. Also depends what genre I wanna watch at that time, but if jihads to choose one it'd be

  13. Twilight Saga  jkay
  14. Schindler's list

    ^OH EM GEE <3 good movie
  15. Nice pick, warbrat! Another fave.
  16. The notebook best chick flick ever xx
  17. The gates.. spartacus... preety lil liars.. 24... prison break.. lost... the list goes on
  18. Thanks Epi. If you seen that then you probably saw another good movie.  this movie cracks me up