Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by IIIFIIOIIRIIGIIOIITII14571III, Jul 14, 2013.

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  1. Lol Billingsworth, can you be more stupid? 
  2. ^ smells like hot dog water.
  3. Ew yo, hot dog water grosses me out.

    Grill the poor things. 
  4. I'm sure I can become less intelligent, but the term you meant was immature.

    And prince was right you aren't like the mags. I apologize for that comparison
  5. My problem with KaW Zaft is that fact that you all tend to think everyone else is beneath you. That's about all I've observed because I hid under a rock there for the most part, lol.

    As for gaw... Boy oh boy, history must really be written by the winner? In reference to the post on page 6 I believe, Zaft didn't make everyone else run away. This how things went down on gaw, and also why I refuse to believe the KaW ZAFT is as tight knit a family as they're trying to make everyone else believe.

    In gaw there were 3 big networks early on... Infinitas, Zaft and IG. Eventually Infinitas split into No Remorse to start a huge war. So we were farming The mob, expanded and took on IG. Took no less than 24 hours of IG members being pinned that Zaft had to jump on that war train. Only reason the network had excelled early on was because it jumped in when it wasn't their war in the first place.

    Zaft has been big for the simple fact that people join there, like Epi said, to be protected and talk shit. I've no doubt there are a core of good players, but there is a lot of extra baggage that would run away in a heart beat if a big enough war started.

    That being said, I have had a few positive experiences with some ZAFT members and I respect them greatly. I respect the core of dedicated members, but nothing beyond that. Sandy comes to mind here. Great player and ruler.
  6. Don't you find what you posted kind of immature? Yep, thought so.
  7. Nik, was it me, you, and OA, who made a club early and farmed zaft or whatever club that was?
  8. I play gaw , kaw , and PimD and I love all three
  9. Zaft probably like rsjust my opinion
  10. Nah I was with CatPoop early on, I do remember you farming though.

    I actually LC'd off of Zaft and iGangsters (Majesty is a traitor!) as a drop build, before T4 was out. Proud to be one of the few people who never ran from the big war.
  11. I was the person who said you meant immature… Are you really that fucking stupid?
  12. I can be less intelligent. 
  13. Yep you are indeed that fucking stupid
  14. If zaft came to pimd I'm sure some VIP clubs would unite to break it down, I hope kaw and gaw players would find the guts to do the same
  15. Respect as always royale
  16. Hmm zaft is not fit for pimd. Zaft likes to war and pimd is full of pervs and I bet they don't want that. A lot of noobs will be crying.
  17. ^

    both old and new school pimd players still war a bunch. That statement is flawed so i'll leave it at that.
  18. Royale Your impression of ZAFT members hiding in our clans is ridiculous. They would be kicked for talking smack.
    Read KaW forums. Our peer rivals say nothing negative about us. Most of them are long time friends and enjoy warring in a war game like we do.
    Our last war all the forum smack talk was from ppl not in the war.
    Laoda granted a brief polite forum interview explaining why we were at war. No further comment came from Apoc or ZAFT/FAITH. If defending your members with a perfect history is a bad thing we are guilty. My division war on contact, only stopped by the assaulted member who wishes to keep a play toy too themselves in 1 V 1. We do not seek clans or players to farm. I don't see that as any different in PIMD clubs protecting your own.

    I don't know why I'm bothering to dispel rumors when some ppl are convinced their assumption correct. Bottom line is we are easy to avoid.
  19. zaft is just a bully tactic syndicate that big accts join to get protection nothing special about them.
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