Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Ciaraaaaaaaaa, Jul 13, 2013.

  1. Hmmm interesting.
  2. Dont know yet depends on time diff. Oh ummm i wanna be with the girls tho ………………
  3. Aiden and Angie as your wedding present, its your job to make me LCBC hehe
  4. I'm there of course
  5. I'll join Honey's side.
  6. Boys vs girls if u wanna be honeys side must change avatar
  7. what kind of colour is firebrick
  8. ciara is awesome
  9.  screw u now u work u stupid ass
  10. Can i join?
  11. 100Kcs girl ツ
  12. I'm going
    Name-Toxic or Tox
    My kbs- 135
  13. Im in, if room for girlfriendshe'll come to 
  14. Thanks for the sign up's 
    Of course Justin just means we will  u all 
  15. Carla 90kcs and counting
    I'll be a stripper Hahaha :D
  16. Im in love you ang, LCBC
  17.  Carla
    my lap dance is free right ?
  18. Yay Rosie. Luv u