I'm a Brat, but they live. Hi nene 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SwanQueen_BullyBrat_PropOAisha, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. I am a brat, but to cute for anyone to do anything.
    in fact im not sure what will happen by me making a thread.

    here is some shout outs

    my wonderful Pupil 
    my partner in crime
    my other partner in crime
    my warden who I'll farm soon
    Lani. 
    nene can't for get you

    Gotta hide now 
  2. your spelling sucks

    your so busted

    stay away from my pupil
  3. I am
    I'm going after the warden now
  4. Aishaboo!!!! Come get your tut! :/
  5. Nene

    I finally found this cool place called forums

    no one ever told me this was here

    this is better than walls
  6. Baby Brat on the loose :/
  7. Lani! remember me?
  8. should i ambam? name change?
  9. AmBam is stalking me lol
  10. Hey Jess.. It's you're, not your (spelling sucks).

  11. It's "your spelling sucks"...
    "You're so busted"...