Oh! And another thing, do you want pictures of the characters to visualize better? , if so, tell me which ones! I'm obviously doing Darla, Drew and Zach! Any others?
I found the posting pictures guide! The pictures will hopefully be up soon! Update tonight or tomorrow ?. Anymore characters you want to see? Let me know
So I'm new to posting pictures and I don't know if there's a specific way fan fictioners do it . Do you want like individual ones or all in one big collage?
haha what ever you want but a picutre and name would be fine like (Picture of darla) Dalra: (picture of Drew) Drew: lol something like that
Hi lovies . It's my alt! Haha. I got the pictures ready, but won't be posting them until tomorrow along with an update .
PICTURES ARE FINALLY HERE! ? Update later today . Darla: Zach (sorry it's black and white ) Drew: Nathaniel: Alexis: Rose: NOTE: Keep in mind this takes place in the 1960's and the hair styles I chosen are sort of similar. I can't find exact ones, but they're close. I tried to find the best fit for each character . Like Darla, red hair and freckles . EXPECT AN UPDATE TODAY ?.