 It's 3am....

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TheRoamingGnome, Jul 6, 2013.

  1. Nicely written. Sending you xoxo
  2. I still hate Nutella but love the words you wrote. I have several people now that I call friends and have never met. I'm glad that they have come into my life. 
  3. I love you my Gnomey 
  4. extra love gnomey
    you know I'm here any time for you
  5. Whoa. This is going to be a good forum, isn't it?
  6.  I love you guys too.

    ? How could you hate Nutella?!
  7. Well put Jen 
  8. Aw! I love this thread!!! Great job Gnomey!!! I loves you too!!! Nutella ftw
  9. Thank you 
  10. Very true 
  11. You always say the smartest things. You are my homie! My bestest homie and always will be. And even though I can't hug you you're in my heart. I've never met you but I've known you forever and you are the most amazing fantastical person ever. We have inside jokes like we would if I was sitting right next to you and we will always have Nutella and frozen mystery pies to bring us closer. Drunken phone calls and texts you can hardly understand. Ogling of hotties on supernatural and crying together. You're my family and I love you with all of my heart!
  12. bęāųţįƒųl ţђŗęād
  13.  I tried Nutella 

    Loves ya!!!!
  14. I love this Jen! Beautifully put.
    I'm sorry for your loss. Time heals all wounds.
  15.  Thank you guys.