The Deuce's Pub

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Preach, Jul 1, 2013.

  1. Its time for the Deuce pub. Today we will have ultimate Skateboarding legend

    Tony Shawk!

    Here is Deuce McJuice reporting live.

    Hi Tony. Thanks for being on the show.

    Tony- No prob brah

    Did you just call me bra :| i assure you i have not been on any boobs lately… :(

    Tony- Thats alright bro…

    Eh. Boring but anyway my questions…
    Whats your favorite trick?

    Tony- well I like the Melongrab bro.

    The melongrab… my aunts 3 cousins wives uncle got arrested for melongrabbing in the Subway…

    Tony- *laughs* No bro. I like to kickflip too man.

    Thats even worse tony… kicking and flipping… thats horrible.

    Tony- *laughs again* Wow brah. You never watched Y-Games have you bro

    Y-Games¿ What… you make no sense Tony Shawk.

    Tony- *glares* Brah. I got 17.2 Bronze Trophies…

    ……………… :| Thats 3 place.

    Tony- i know brah

    Stop calling me a bra. I am not always on boobs Tony………

    Tony- oh im sorry bro.

    This interviews over.

    Tony- ok bro Peace man


    Thanks Deuce McJuice

    That was wonderful. Glad to have interviewed 8th grade graduate record breaking 3 place Skater


    Deucers is out and

  2. awesome
  3. 
    This is hilarious.. Looking forward for the next interview. My brother is skater junkie so I watched his interviews and his "the moves"

  4. hi [\color]
  5. Change the [\color] to [/color]. You need to change the way the [/] goes.