Its time for the Deuce pub. Today we will have ultimate Skateboarding legend Tony Shawk! Here is Deuce McJuice reporting live. Hi Tony. Thanks for being on the show. Tony- No prob brah Did you just call me bra :| i assure you i have not been on any boobs lately… Tony- Thats alright bro… Eh. Boring but anyway my questions… Whats your favorite trick? Tony- well I like the Melongrab bro. The melongrab… my aunts 3 cousins wives uncle got arrested for melongrabbing in the Subway… Tony- *laughs* No bro. I like to kickflip too man. Thats even worse tony… kicking and flipping… thats horrible. Tony- *laughs again* Wow brah. You never watched Y-Games have you bro Y-Games¿ What… you make no sense Tony Shawk. Tony- *glares* Brah. I got 17.2 Bronze Trophies… ……………… :| Thats 3 place. Tony- i know brah Stop calling me a bra. I am not always on boobs Tony……… Tony- oh im sorry bro. This interviews over. Tony- ok bro Peace man ___________••••••••°°°°••••°°°•••°°°••• Thanks Deuce McJuice That was wonderful. Glad to have interviewed 8th grade graduate record breaking 3 place Skater TONY SHAWK Deucers is out and Deuces
This is hilarious.. Looking forward for the next interview. My brother is skater junkie so I watched his interviews and his "the moves"