 PimD's ~ The Bachelor 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Player11171305, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. Gohan is 5. He is still in dbz. Not kai.
    Peetalicious -1
    M_FoR_MaToN- 3
    AdorableJose- 1
    -Immortals-Wallace- -1
    --Irish-- -1
    Domintini- 1
    M4GN1F1C3NT- 1
    BNDBintz- 1
    -Immortals-Vice- -1

     Anyone on this list that needs to be strikes off?

    ALSO, WE NEED 6 MORE BACHELORETTES NEED TO APPLY!  You can also nominate bachelorettes, incase you didn't know.
  3. Someone nominated me to be a bachelor wth?!
  4. That is 4 for jetboy, can i be taken off and i vote for jetboy :)
  5. When will everyone be chosen?
  6. I nominate/vote for RS_Jetboy?
  7. Yes zeuss I did 

    I nominate Mai, Alice, and uhh a few other girls that will be listed later on
  8. I vote for RS_Jetboy
  9. ALL VOTING ENDS TOMORROW AT 4PM EST! This includes nominations and votes for bachelors and bachelorettes!

     Like I said before.. START NOMINATING SOME GIRLS!  I know you all know a single girl.  All the single ladies, all the single ladies. 
  10.  Cherry, I'm a noob. So could you please list everyone's entire name? O.O please.
  11. Furry cheese grater  that's awesomely nasty!
  12. LISTEN TO BRIT!!!!!!  If I have any objections I'll make them. (Wish I knew BBcodes) Anyways....VOTE for bachelors (less nominations) and NOMINATE bachelorettes.  thanks everyone!
  13. 
    I vote for myself!
  14. ahh yea it's sexy time
  15. Wallace and I have -1 vote lol
  16. Gem.. You aren't supposed to vote for yourself on this thread. ,_, you wall me.. Just.. Never mind.
  17. I also want to nominate/vote for RS_Jetboy 
  18.  I was kidding.
  19.  Billingsworth nuuuu!!! You're not JT
  20.  Anyone who wishes to apply for Bacholerette can also wall me, as well Brit.