Inlove with a Wallflower

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -iEmiHaveHimTrippinForDays, Jun 16, 2013.

  2. Gimmeh moar!!! Bump!!! ^.^
  3. Very good my great self applauds you
  4. UPDATE!! Hope you like it!

    I watched intensely as Jared placed our beautiful friend in a glass pipe and pulled out a lighter. He took the first puff on Crystal then passed the beauty to me. Adrenaline rushed through my veins. I couldn't bare being without Jared or the angel that is sitting in my hands. I placed my smooth glossy lips on the pipe end of the glass as the blub rested in my palms and I puffed.

    A huge cloud of relief and comfort took over me. Sweet bliss. I passed it back to Jared who watched and smiled. He laid it on the grass and pinned me to the floor. His lips crushing mine. I wanted him badly. My hands gripped his waist and pulled him close as his kisses reached the nape of my neck.

    "Jared I love you...." I cooed in a sweet tender voice.

    "I know. I love you too."

    I smiled and crushed his lips with mine as his expert hands raised my skirt. I unbuckled his pants and enjoyed the pleasure as he thrusted himself in me. Pain surged through my abdominal area as he became my first. I ignored the pain for the forty-five minutes of pleasure.

    "Steph I have to go babe." He spoke rapidly and out of breathe.

    "Oh...Ok babe call me!"

    I watched as he took the goods and ran off into the darkness of the woods. Adjusting my clothes and hair, I walked back to my aunts house pleased at the events that had just occured. I snuck inside when I noticed it was 12:58 p.m.

    The wood creaking slightly under my bare feet as I shift my wait walking to my room. I laid on my soft twin sized bed and got under the covers, anxious to see him again tomorrow.

    "Jared Evans is my one true love."

    I fell into a deep sleep until 8 a.m when my phone rang. Sun beaming into my eyes I let my hand search the night stand for my Iphone. Once I glanced at the number I didnt recognize it.

    "Hello?" I croaked still half asleep.

    "Hello? Is this Stephanie?" A female voice responded obviously furious.

    "Speaking. Who are you?"

    "Hi! I'm Jared's Fiancé! I was watching you too last night by the lake because I was scared that he was cheating. Thank you for proving me right you little s***! Stay away from my husband!" She spat fiercely.

    I was baffled. A loss for words. I was someone's toy. She hung up once she told me off. How could he do this to me? He said he loved me! No Jared! Why!? I cried into my hands as my phone rang again. I looked at the caller I.D and saw it was him. Answering half angry and half upset.

    "Stephanie!" He cooed.


    "Whoa. Babe chillax!"

    "Chillax?! You're wife called me!"

    "S***!!!! When?!"

    "Just now you ass!"

    "Alright. Steph, I was going to break it off with you last night after we had sex."

    "I was just your toy?! Someone you can get high with and fuck?!"


    "I thought you loved me."


    I hung up furious at Jared and myself. How can I let this happen? I was so stupid! Nobody will know this. This stays with me forever.

    I ran to the girls bathroom and fixed my appearance. Sophie will pay. Ezra will love me. I will be the big dog of this school once again as it should be. Smiling a sinister smile at my perfect cherry lips in the bathroom mirror.

    "Time to make that little book worm suffer like she never suffered before."

    ~Comment and leave feedback!
  5. Omg this is getting interesting!! :D I love it ^_^  Bump!!!
  6. "Le squeal" love love love your so clever :)
  7. 
    BUMPITY BUMP
  8. Amazing! That was funny when his fiancé called
  9.  I love the conversation between Jared and Stephanie. It was short and to the point. 
  10. BUMP!!! Loving it 
  11. I do not know what this bump thing is but everyone's saying it cos they love it so...
  12. Lol @draco_felix

    BUMP means

  13.  I was so confused for a moment. I thought Erza was a girl's name, so I thought the main character was one.


    You better tell me the next time you update. ;3  That will make me feel better. 