 Question about BCing.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Player11171305, Jul 2, 2013.

  1.  When working on LCBC from T4 BC is it easier just to work on each T5 one at a time or to save up until you have enough to LCBC so you can do it all at once?

    Also, I forgot how much it costs to LCBC from T4 BC. 1.5T? Or more?
  2. 1.488T to bc

    If you plan to farm to bc upgrading is best, your plunder will increase so you'll be able to afford your next upgrade that bit faster. If you do take this root it's best to get all t5 level 1 and throw away all your t4, this makes your plunder rise faster, as well as your ec rate if your going to use ec as well. Then make all 32 level 2, then 3 and finally 4.

    If you're going to tut trade and bump friends tutors then it's best to keep larger amount of money out so you can do bigger bumps and so on.
  3.  Well... Thank you. 
  4.  Answered your question good enough? Or no?
  5. Yes.  Very thoroughly actually.
  6. 
  7. What if i like to war?
  8. If you like to war they you'd best off upgrading when you can so you don't have much money out to lose, unless you have a trustable resource how'd leaned you tutors to borrow and hire back after your war is over.
  9. Make sure you get lots of different priced small tutors so you have a reasonable tutor bonus and won't get Range hire stripped
  10. Most people range hire the low end Kyle 
  11. If you have different priced low tutors for example;

    10 x 50mil
    5 x 100mil
    15 x 250mil

    And so on, you are less likely to get range hire stripped, that's what I'm saying, you will lose less money if a tutor does get hired this way and it has alot less risk.
  12. Point given, still annoying tho