The Destined 8

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by S3AN_DA_BOMB, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. Scarlett: -stays in separate car-
  2. -Watches scarlett and approaches slowly-
  3. (They are in a train o_O and she's in a separate car)
  4. (im on the train aswell but didnt realoze the seperate car)
  5. (Lol ok I didn't knowxD I missed some things)
  6. -enters scarrets car silently and sits behind her-
  7. Scarlett: -hugs pillow and stares out window-
  8. -purposly coughs whilst looking out of the window-
  9. Scarlett: -looks behind her- why are you in here...
  10. -looks at scarlet- hello i need ur help
  11. Scarlett: with wat?
  12. I want my artifact back and i want back into the group
  13. Scarlett: one, I don't have it and two, you'll have to talk to ark not me
  14. -Rolls my eyes- im not talking to him
  15. Scarlett: well, what do you expect me to do?
  16. Just dont tell him im back
  17. Scarlett: -snorts- we are in a train, how exactly Is he not gunna find out?
  18. ill jump off -smirks- How do u think i got on
  19. Scarlett: -rolls eyes- I'm not lying to him, if he asks I'm telling but otherwise I won't say anything
  20. -scowls- then he better not ask -stands- well i better find my artifact and leave if ur not going to help me