War 101 for Noobies(newbies)

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by iscam4fun, Jul 2, 2013.

  1. [​IMG]

    Noni your awesome 
  2. Why everytime I have a dance battle i hardly wins/
  3. Why, everytime I do a dance battle I hart win?
  4.  maybe too strong for u
  5. Oh okay. Thanks
  6. Want me to hire you.. bahahaha 
  7. Awesome thread daughter
  8. Nicely done noni 
  9. Thank you Morissey Mommy Irem Roms Fuzz
  10. Nice one Noni
  11. Well said..bump
  12. Thank you Mae Fanastic, for bumping BANE Tomol my tut
  13. Noni
    Great job babes now maybe we see more system wars
  14. Yeah yeah  wanna see more war ongoing!!
  15. War?