Hello there beautiful people! This isn't a sarcastic thread or anything, because I'm being serious. ? I got silenced. But pause. I am not upset, but greatful. This is proof that mods are actively doing there job and are trying to rid campus of Pervs and very thirsty people. So while my post in campus was a joke >.< shout out to you wankers from campus who followed me. WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?! So creepy. ? XD I don't want any shoddy rp from randoms Thank you for your time, and realize that your mods are present and trying their best. Ps. There's more than one you guys. And there are no new mods I always laugh when I hear that.
Once I bypassed on my other acc in campus. And no mod silenced that acc. So your THREAD is RENDERED INVALID!!!!!
Yeah we can, silly one. This is my first (and last) silence. I can take in pm and cc just not in WC, on Walls, or in TC