I would just like to announce that I have been reading this all along, just lurking. BUT I'VE DECIDED TO COME OUT OF THE SHADOWS *Gasp!* So ya... Hi fellow readers, I'm Rose. I like rainbows, gum, and rainbows And yes I did say rainbows twice. DOUBLE RAINBOW! So intense, what does it mean! lol sorry I'm getting off topic. I wuv wuv wuv your stowy! :3 Being a southern myself (?GEORGIA PEACH BABES!?)I'm attracted to this. Except we don't have years, we have grades. So just to be clear is Year 8 the same thing as 8th grade. I know British people do this and I always get confused. Umm yeah....I think that's all I have to say! Oh and THAT SHELLY BITCH MUST DIE!!! I had the same bully in the 5th grade, like she acted like her and her name was literally Shelly. I mean what kind of name is Shelly?! I was hated that name. It's sounds plastic. But Karma came back and shove it's foot right up her slutly ass cuz she has some really BAD acne. She needs some Netrogena or Proactive or something AHH! getting off topic again. Your story is so cute!!! Update spoon! <----Haha spoon. Not-so-funny wordplay
Huh...I wrote a lot didn't I maybe if I actually became determined enough I could write a story....lol never gonna happen. The updates would be wicked long though Do to my none stop typing abilities.....and side tracking. Maybe if I converted all my side tracking into detail..... Speaking of abilities, you know what ability I've always wanted. To sprout some wings and fly. that could be a story idea!!! OMG OMG OMG! I might write a story and it's all thanks to this post..... and my potential ADHD. Haha I'm writing all lot again. Sorry this just happens sometimes and I don't even realize it. If I could just stay focused! Ok I'm going to write anymore. I'm ending this post right......here
I thought it was updated..... Now I'm crushedit really keep on writing in the ways of British school in a southern American world
Just got back from a party! I'll update tomorrow... Wait. It is tomorrow . I'll update in like 6-10 hours . Guys... I hope you know this isn't really romantic.. Just that one scene , please don't get bored with me . P.S. it helps if you read the story with a Southern accent (which is funny because this takes place in Michigan... Idk )
Woah . I actually have readers . Remember when I was crying that I only had 4 . Yay . I totally broke my update rule...
Oh, and well, I think they called it "Year 8" instead of "8th grade" since it does take place in the past . I've watched videos of older people that were alive that time period, so I kinda did it based on how they talked .
UPDATE WOMAN I was at the lake all weekend so I missed 2 updates fricken Zach chooses his girlfriend over Darla. No. Just no. Fall for Drew, Darla