I'm Back, Lovely Fan-Fictioners 

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by iSassBendAndSnapToBreakNoses, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. Hello . It's me! I've gotten a name change, so I don't know if you remember me . I'm Shannon... Previously known as -MIRAI_Shannonigans- "OH YEAH! HER!!" Yep. That's me . I sorta ditched FF for a while, like not posting, but I have been reading silently . I guess I didn't know what to write about . My writing has grown a bit since the three stories I started then ditched . I hope to post new stories too! I actually started some already, but I want to finish it before I post it... Unless you urgently want it... but you probably don't . It's different than others you've probably read before... I've gotten into the historical kinda writing.. It's not boring though, i promise! The other one is about today, so... Maybe you'll like it better?  Anyway, I've missed all the ones I knew previously from FF, and those of you new, hello . So, I bet this thread will get like one comment, but I just wanted to say "HELLO! I'm back from my hiatus." Yepp. This is so long. Alrighty. Bye lovies! Hope to be posting for you soon! 


    Shan 
  2. Glad to see a familiar face (doubt you remember me though )
  3. I remember you . I remember mostly everyone . Hello .
  4. Mirai hello welcome back
  5. I haven't met you before . MIRAI is the club tag .
  6. Welcome back
  7. Welcome back. Feel free to stay awhile. Lol.
  8. I was wrong . There are more than two posts! . Thanks for the warm welcome .
  9. Glad to have you back! 
  10.  I don't know you but welcome back anyway haha
  11. I remember you! I like your story, Ashlee 
  12. A gathering of people?!Oh my! I remember you, but I bet you don't remember me But I kinda ditched FF too…Yeah you're not alone
  13. Oh and welcome back
  14. Did you get a name change too, Rose? . Thanks!
  15. I'm posting my new story now, btw 
  16. You do remember me!<---Those are tears of joy!
  17. And yes I did change my name.....and reset like 1,000 times
  18. What were you before? 
  19. Read my story, "Pressured" 
  20. Okee-dokke.

    I was Blood_Roze before. But then I lost my iPod in... *cough* Restaurant Depot *cough*?. I think I still have my account here. I just can't errr access it