Inlove with a Wallflower

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -iEmiHaveHimTrippinForDays, Jun 16, 2013.

  1. Hey guys! I decided to write again, but take a different toll on my genre. I do encourage that you leave feed back, for I am looking to improve my story and writing.

    ~Thank you and enjoy!
    The bright rays of the sun peeked through my navy blue curtains, shining into my eyes. The slits of my eyes opened at the beam of light shining in my face, squinting to see the time. 6:45 a.m. it read on my alarm clock on my bed side table.

    "Crap! I'm going to be late!"

    Tossing my covers to the side I rushed into the bathroom. The cold floor stinging my feet with each stride. I turned on the shower waiting for the water warm up. Glancing at myself in the bathroom mirror staring at every feature of my face; my short brown hair slightly covering my hazel eyes.

    "Ezra! You're going to be late!" My sister Lori yelled from downstairs.

    "I know that!"

    "Then hurry up, jerk face!"

    "Shut up Lori!"

    I rolled my eyes, undressing and stepping into the shower. The hot water covering every inch of my slender body. I washed up and wondered what today had in store for me. After rinsing off the soap and shampoo, I stepped out the shower and wrapped my towel around my waist.

    Will she be at school today? I hope so. I thought to myself clinching onto my toothbrush. I applied my toothpaste and began brushing my teeth. Getting lost deep into though while brushing my teeth thinking about her.

    I almost choked on my toothbrush as Lori burst into the bathroom dressed in her scrubs and attacked me with a gigantic hug. See, Lori is a nurse practitioner. She works in the local medical office a few blocks from our home.

    "Happy Birthday Ezra!"

    Realization hit me in the face when Lori acknowledged today was my birthday. I rinsed my mouth and thanked her, walking to my room. Lori left to work as I pulled out a blue plaid button down shirt and jeans. I dressed and slipped on my matching blue converse. Grabbing my phone, I ran downstairs checking the time.

    "7:29 a.m. damn it! I wont have time for breakfast."

    I grabbed my keys to my truck and ran outside locking the front door. I walked down the stone path of my medium-sized townhouse. Sliding into the front seat, I started it up and made backed out of my drive way and in the direction of the school.

    I drove in silence wondering about her. Smiling at the thought of her, arriving to school at 7:40 a.m. with some time to spare. After parking, I walked through the metal doors of the school and headed to my locker.

    Everyone greeting me with Happy Birthday's and Hello's. Making it to my locker, I noticed her walking to hers, which was three lockers down from mine. Her long light brown hair laying down her entire back. Her pale skin and rosey cheeks displaying tenderness and natural beauty. She looke in my direction and flashed a heart-stopping smile, saying Good morning in such in angelic way. Her crystal blue eyes showing signs of happiness. She is perfection.
  2. this has inspired to write a story myself but I'm tooo lazy

    I loved it though, u got talent girllllll
  3. BRILLIANT!!!!! Don't forget to mention me in the story 
  4. Bump 
  5. soo beautiful had to come back to read a 3rd time!!!!
  6. A new update coming soon
  7. Yay!!! Hurry!!!
  8. UPDATE!!!

    I watched as she waltzed off to class. Her five foot three stature gliding through that hall way as if in a ballroom. I couldn't keep my eyes off her. She is just so beautiful. Having her would mean everything to me.

    "Hey Sophie!" Her best friend called in excitement.

    I took small glances at the two as they chatted and laughed. Closing my locker door, I walked off to class. English, my favorite class of the day. I took my seat by the window and drew in my notebook. Distracted I didn't notice when Stephanie Anders walked in.

    "Ezra!!!!!!!" She squealed like a screeching tire.

    "Hello Stephanie."

    "Ezra, when are you going to ask me out?"

    "How about never."

    "Oh hush. You know you want too."

    "I'm sorry Stephanie, but I don't do sloppy seconds."

    "I'm not sloppy seconds."

    I rolled my eyes at her. The smug look on her face disgusted me. Looking at the door I noticed Sophie walking in quietly reading her novel. She's so cute when she's reading! She closed her book and walked in my direction. Her drop dead gorgeous smile flashed when she caught me looking at her. My heart stopped, heat rose to my cheeks, speaking became a challenge for me.

    "Hey Sophie." I spoke heartedly.

    "Hey Ezra." She retorted sweetly.

    Stephanie glared at Sophie. The tension began to rise. Sophie began to pay attention to her book again and didn't realize that Stephanie was right in front of her. Sophie walked right into Stephanie unintentionally.

    "Watch it loser!" Stephanie spat in disgust.

    "Wha-what?" Sophie asked confused.

    Stephanie rolled her eyes and pushed Sophie out the way, walking to her seat. Sophie looked down and put her book away. I can tell she was bothered by Stephanie. I couldn't deal with her being upset. Anger filled me and I rose to my feet and slammed the desk.

    "STEPHANIE ANDERS!" I yelled in fustration.

    "Yes Ezra baby?" She smiled sinisterly.

    "You are the biggest b**** I have ever met! If you ever touch Sophie like that again I swear the entire school will now your secret!"

    Her face grew pale. She tightened her jaw and gathered her belongings, rushing out of the classroom. I sat back down and glanced at Sophie. She looked thankful, but also slightly frightened. Great! I scared the girl I'm in love with.

    I sighed and laid my head down wanting to just fade away. Pain filled my chest. I couldn't
    bare knowing I scared her. I loved Sophie and seeing I frightened her showed I should stay away.

    "Why me?" I mumbled.
  9. Oooo what secret . I love your stories, girl 
  10. So far so good! ^_^ BUUUMMP!!!!
  11. Continue please