Mime was picked by an amazing person nomad-_-noodles... Shine is.my nickname and either is what she calls and of.course.my.club tags
Well lets see....I've had a couple of name changes. One came from an inside joke. The other was a variation of this un, but this has always been my OG un when I first joined Pimd. I'm a bit of a Marvel fan so this un comes from the Marvel Villain BlackHeart. First appeared in the DareDevil series for those of you that follow Marvel Comics. If not then he is the villain in the first Ghost Rider movie. That's the story of my un.
Aww Either, you're pretty amazing yourself Bewbs started calling me noodles & it kinda stuck & well, I'm a nomad
My first user name was betterthanyours because betterthatyou was taken my second user name was MrAwesome2 and that lasted about hour than I changed it to Ares_God_of_War because Ares is my favorite Greek god and god_of_war because he is the God of war
"SVG-TheFaLLen" svg tag. I chose fenrir because he is a badass wolf, and one of my favorite characters in smite.
vienna because i like the name of the city. i rembet hearing the name in a sound of music. it where the duchess lives.