I believe all drop items should be set up to be gifted! What's the purpose in winning the same item more than once if it cannot do some type if good for someone else. Many of us spend real money on DN's to complete these parties! Let us at least be able to gift those extras to someone who is not as fortunate to receive them! If you agree with this then keep this post alive and maybe, just maybe ATA will hear us! Thanks for listening to me vent!
if u dunno for the new parties item that has been dropped are trophies. why do u need to gift trophies
Your point about using dn's and real money in order to try to get them is one of the reasons why they shouldn't be gifted, why should those who put the effort in to grow and waste countless dn's and ec to help club's compete pro parties work their ass off whilst those who don't even help out can get them gifted to them with out lifting a finger? I've used countless dn's in parties and don't get drops, like today, I used 24 dn's, 1,276 actions and what did I get? Not a single drop. What keep's pro parties going is that their are people who go around club's trying to collect all trophies, it's part of the challenge and fun. Once every one has them what will they do? They'll stop most likely, making it hard for those later on to try and collect them. Posting your idea here won't help, email support.