Game Day 8; Riddles!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by renamed7873, Jun 9, 2013.

  1. River or streams? 
  2. No

    Hint: It's somrthing to keep time
  3. A clock?
  4. Grandfather clock
  5. Ahhh it's an hourglass. Gg wp.
  6. An egg carton has no handles or lock ,don't need one lol eggs with a golden centre is it something stupid like that,is yellow gold color the same ,I'm not sure
  7. Hourglass is correct
  8. Create another one
  9. I'm a six letter word. If I did not exist, you wouldn't either. With my first letter ommited I'm an alternative. The last three letters are feminine. The first four letters make an insect. Who am I?
  10. Correct, now you post one
  11. What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?