
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jerk123123, Jun 5, 2013.

  1. Jenni that is really awesome. Wish you and your little one a very safe trip.
  2. Thanks Anya. The traveling sucks majorly, but in the end it is worth it lol. Just not on the way home. Your body wants a good two weeks to recuperate, and I jump right back into work the next day lol.
  3. Well, Ive been out of high school and college for sometime now, I'm actually going to be working.

    But if I had the money, I'd love to go to Germany. Ya know, see family, and learn about my roots. 
  4. Sweets that will be one of my trips eventually. Hubby wants to do Poland for his roots, so of course we are doing Germany too. My German sucks, want to tag a long? Lol
  5. Oooo I'm German two I would love to save up the money travel around Europe and holland. I'm Irish Scottish Dutch German and English so I would have to be gone for months in order to see all those places.
  6. Well I have work because I've been out of school for quiet a bit but hopefully I can take some time off and go visit some of my family in Ireland.
  7. all the trips sound wonderful! I've wanted to go to Italy for awhile! Seems like an amazing place.
  8. can you guys take me with you?
  9. If you don't mind an 8 year old I will gladly take you lol. Oh and also if you don't mind eating a 7 course meal. You have to try a little of everything and can never say you're full. That doesn't fly too well lol. Have to love baked bread! It is a must, and also have to do well with walking and moving around to walk a good 2miles to digest the meals lol.
  10. I'm taking some summer courses for college ._.
  11. This summer isn't going to be as fun as last years..... Last year I took a 2 week trip to London, England, Paris, France, Berlin and Munich Germany a week before the Olympics :eek:. :) I must say it was extremely nice to see my roots besides Ireland but I hope to go there in the future!


    I actually took this pic from my Europe Trip! It's so pretty

    My summer this year started on May 23rd at 11:45am  Uhhh the day sucked over all...... Was stressing about finals and on my way home i got into a car accident.... 0.0 my breaks weren't working and I rammed Into the back of a Jeep's Spare tire (Seriously those things do a lot of damage) The lady who was in the other car was a sweet old women thoughsoo nice to me!!!
    (NO ONE WAS HURT in the car accident besides my (my dad's old car... still claims it's his) poor 2010 Camry ?) ?it actually got totaled today ?
    because it would be way too much money to fix.  Here's a pic:


    Currently I'm in summer a school (8:30-11:30 am CST) for failing a semester of a required class (Survey US history)  and also finishing some classes early for a head start on my senior year. Yay school ?but honestly it gets some classes out of the way lol. Good thing though... it's all ONLINE!!! But ill be done soon :) about 66% done XD!!!!

    I Will be doing the following;
    -Chill at home
    -Play PIMD
    -Eat food
    -Drink drinks(Non alcoholic Beverages)
    -Do Chores
    - Get a new car?
    - Walk my dogs
    - hang with friends
    - possibly visit family in Texas and Michigan
    -play PIMD some more (like crazy)
    - go camping with friends (haven't told me where though)
    - Babysitting

    Honestly, I'd rather go back to Europe for a month or so instead of what I'm doing this summer. ?btw dangling bacon In front of our noses? Id bite it if anyone did that to mebacon
  12. If your going to Europe twinny pack me in your suitcase girl you know I wanna go visit jake
  13. ?i don't think we will be going to Europe again this year but my parents have been very sneaky lately.... So who knows  if I do go i will pack you in my suit case and personally deliver you to jake. 
  14. Moving 10,000 miles away...
  15. Awesome Meagan ?ill keep a suitcase packed its leopard print just tell your ms it's yours 
  16. My summer is going to be used to get ready to go off to college (scary but so ready), visiting family that just came into my life, and seeing my grandparents. Wish i could go travel the world tho
  17. Jenni that actually sounds amazing! I wanna go
  18. meg your previous summers sound great! sorry about this summer tho, many of my friends are taking summer school too, 5hours a day, whoo whoo

    And you couldn't bite it cuz it would be to far away
  19. hopefully they do plan something! Anya make room in that suitcase!
  20. Where are you moving BD!? That sounds exciting!