Sad Truths

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BeautifulPain, Jun 2, 2013.

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  1. Very well put Holly?
  2. Someone tell New Harmony that I can't chat in club chat becuz I've been perm them this please.
    And that is a sad truth.
  3. How long did it take u to write this and I agree with everyone else
  4. Nice thread holly 
  5. thank you all for the support. Means a great deal

    It's time we quit playing his little games and take a stand. He wants the truth and I have provided for him. He fights for so called honorable things yet he backs a member who dishonors and disgraces. Mag I recall you being quick to jump on several occasions over such mundane things. You ask why we did what we did to Rico...Why does he deem it necessary to do what he did? Why must you back him and support him for defaming a woman?

    Anyways thanks again everyone for your support means a great deal to all of us!
  7. I Chris support this message and holly
  8. Mag go run to McDonald's get your free wifi so you can respond to this threat 
  9. Well said Holly Dolly! Bump for support
  10. Support  Well written, and needed to be said.
  11. I support this 
  12. It's kinda funny how all that shit happened with zed after it was finished mag wanted me in his club because he wants "warriors" in his club
  13. I have yet to see a mag member respond
  14. My honest opinion we let you off to easy wen you asked for cf last time 
  15. Mag Warriors? actually not running their mouths?
  16. I bet they were told not to respond 
  17. Hell fucking yeah!

    If a MW does it, it's fine and he defends them. But if someone else does it, it's 100% against his rules and he club strip farms them.
    Stupid as fuck. Funny how people can't see it. I agree with this post 100%. People can't farm his members for some shit they did but he can do whatever the fuck he wants to anyone else for no reason?? Pfffft 

    But seriously. Strip farm Pun? Good luck with that. You'll need to spend like $10,000 on EC's to have enough to strip him. Pretty stupid to think you can strip farm him.
    Plus, he'll just keep hiring them back. Pretty sure he has enough to hire the tuts back and then strip you back.

    But yeah 
  18. 100% support this thread.
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