Awkward Moments

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by renamed12943, May 21, 2013.

  1. The awkward moment when you see Beccas awkward moments in cc and wc because they were posted by her crazy daughter
  2. The awkward moment when you watch Ryan Higa's video on 'awkward moments'  seems legit.
  3. The moment you realised your dad loved bay watch just as much as you .

    No longer was me time the same again.
  4. Yeah thanks for that Jen ?
  5.  That awkward moment when you see a 14 year old girl at the thong section and bra section and she's putting on thongs and bras over her clothes...
  6. Well I embarrass myself almost daily 
    That awkward moment when you have visitors home and your little brother grabs your bras and flashes them to the visitors saying there yours. That awkward moment when you meant to send something to your bf and end up sending it to the wrong person. That awkward moment when Autocorrect fails. Thats awkward moment when your walking backwards then turn around and hit a pole
    ~So many so little time 
  7. 
  8. Lets try reach 300 comments ?
  9. That awkward moment where your neighbors are getting arrested, and they catch you peeping out of your window.
  10. Awk moment when u fart in bathroom stall and someone goes in after lol
  11. that awkward moment when
    you notice someones zipper
    is down but you don't want
    to say anything because you
    don't have a good excuse for
    why you were looking that
    low. :p :) 
  12. My newest post saying bring instead of saying being lol
  13. It's so embarrassing when you tell someone you like them and they already have someone or just don't like you.
  14. Hmm if while reading these akward moments we notice most have happened to us. Then they are normal moments, not akward...right? tried to make it better lol=)
  15. The akward moment when youre a kid and your older brother tells you he turned sunny d into apple juice by putting it in microwave, and as your about to drink said apple juice the bottle smells like pee...terrible
  16. awkward moment when a Lcbc ask you how to report hits 
  17. It was getting good, whered.everyone go =)
  18. The awkward moment ur in a busy pub in a very busy town centre ur on a balcony and decide to take ur jumper off and ur top also comes up ur arms are caught in ur jumper so u can't pull it down for a while then when u finally pull ur top down the woman across the room shouts over how much she likes ur bra while the boy next to you who is with his gf date or whatever and is choking. At least I had nice underwear on I suppose 
  19. The awkward moment when someone farts in the elevator and looks at you to see if you notice