Chapter 9 He set me down so I was laying facing the kitchen, he went into the kitchen and made my bagel as requested, and brought it to me. I scarf it down like it was nothing, I was super hungry. I hear an almost musical laugh, and look up at a smiling Ice. "Hungry much?" "Uhhh, yeah, very." I say blushing in embarrassment, flustered. He moves me foward, and sits down, then sets me so my head rests on his muscular chest, "I can move on my own, you know?" "Yeah, but I enjoy taking care of you, I'm just crazy about my Fire." He says into my hair, his words sending shivers down my spine, I feel butterflies in my stomache reawakening after a long slumber, am I really falling for him? I decide to sound confused to see his reaction, "I guess that's okay if you really wanna, though I couldn't possibly understand why..." I trail off at the end, getting sleepy again, though I force my eyes open. Yet when I open my eyes the floor-to-ceiling widows display night instead of a late morning sun. How did that happen, I only blinked?! I realize I'm still resting on Ice's chest, he was snoring softly and looked so cute. I got up quietly, making me kind of dizzy but I press on and find a blanket and put it over Ice. I then walk to the closet and got some sweat pants and a sweat shirt on and tennis shoes, no where near my uniform but I just wanted something warm and comfortable. I find the iPhone Ice gave me and looked through it, there was a gps app for navigating the school, I also find the necklace Ice gave me and I put it on, happy for its small warmth. I exited the closet and looked towards Ice and the necklace touching my skin warmed and new determination took hold of me, I wasn't going to let him down, I was going to be his perfect companion, so I needed to study really hard. I quietly left the room and turned on my iPhone's gps and made my way to the library.
Ok, I know its a super short chapter but it had to be done its actually important, because its leading into something, and I needed a way to bring back items I had not mentioned in a few chapters, that and bringing Fire out of her dependent state she's been in since Cato attacked her. Okay sorry, felt like I had to expain myself to y'all, and so, now to why I'm writing this little author's note is.....drumroll..... I need your opinion, and help, I would really like to post this on watt pad for the summer because it looks like it would be easier to use, and I'm going to have tons of extra time, so the thing is, I would need a cover, so if you can help, follow me and I'll go from there, as always I'd love your feedback and sorry for any delay, 12 days of school left in technicality for work weeks and all that, so hope to write again soon. ~KitKat
I followed the map carefully to the library to attempt to find books on being a companion, and what I had to know, as Cato was not a good study partner. I open the door quietly and slip inside. It was huge inside, split in half, on two large placards said the designation of those sides, one was AGENTS, the other for me, COMPANIONS. I made my way through the companion side to computers in the back. I sat down and pressed the spacebar a few times until the screen came to life, the computer showed a few icons, and one, thank The One above, was simply labeled previous lesson plans, and that was exactly what I needed, I made a note of all the books I needed to look at to catch up to everyone else, and the classes were insane, the easiest was probably: The Probability of Things Going Wrong and Solutions, or PTWs. However the classes only got stranger, like Covers in Daily Life (CDL), Moderate Electronic Lock Picking (MELP), Tails and Servalence (TaS), Blade Shop (BS), and Killing People the Art (KAP). I decided to start with PTWs, which I was least likely to screw up. So I wrote down the books they were using on my phone and made my way over to that section in the library. It was only when I was over there did I fing out I wasn't alone in the large wing, there was a girl studying on a large table in between to shelves so I decided to make myself known, I cleared my throat. "Hello, I'm Fire, Ice's new companion." The girl looked up, with a head of ginger hair and emerald green eyes, her face was a cute heart shape with a small nose, she smiled happily, "Hi! I'm Jenny! I am Gorge's companion. I've heard so much about you, our agents are like best friends, I hope we can be too. I have been waiting to meet you, since I heard what that horrible Cato did to you, I about strangled him when I heard." I knew immediately we'd be best friends, she was just so nice, plus she was a companion she could help me catch up with the course work. "Nice to meet you!" We shake hands, "I'm so glad you are here I am like so lost in the way of course work, can you help me out? I'd really appreciate the help." "I'd love to, and I'm sure you need help, you were a late start and the Cato incident made you miss an extra week. Though some classes are mainly physical I can help with PTWs, CDL, and MELP. Though the other classes you won't have a hard time catching up in, after all you are the latest generation of OrganiBioTech, so the mechanics of it all should be already programmed. And-" "Wait, OrganiBio-what?" "You didn't know? Wow you are behind, OrganiBioTech is what makes companions, well, companions. Basically, companions are people near death taken by the government, who have surgery extensively. However, as the government patches you up, they also give you the full body refurbishment, where they give you stronger bones, muscles, and program certain muscle memory functions, oh, and they whipe the memory of your past life. As you are the latest generation, I hear you're already programmed with knife throwing abilities and some new styles to killing, and I hear they even found a way to help your generation process things faster. So, yeah, thats basically what OrganiBioTech does for you, Fire, it makes you probably 1000 times better at everything versus the average human being." I was so dumbstruck, what did that leave me, of me? Who could I have left behind in this past life before Ice? Did I really even want to know that I had some muscle memories to killing people? How was I supposed to die? After I processed all of this I snapped out of it, after all, I'm alive, so if that is my purpose, I will honor it whole-heartedly. "Okay, so where do we start?" "Well, considering your programming I'd say you are most behind in CDL, so lets go!" She rose from her chair and I followed her to a new part of the library, until 3a.m., when we decided to call it a night and I headed back to Ice and I's room.
Ok, first, I forgot to put chapter 10, second I'm sorry I take forever to post, all the names for classes and coming up with OrganiBioTech had me struggling for ideas, though I am happy to say this was in my opinion, a very important chapter. Lastly, I am going to start dedicating chapters to my readers for putting up with me, and the very first dedication will go to Berry_Into_You for kicking me in the rear to get moving on finishing this chapter! That's all I have to say and chapter 11 is in progress! Love to you all! ~KitKat
Chapter 11 I woke up and looked at my iPhone, it was Saturday, noon. I've been out for a little over 8 good hours. I left my place in the wall closed and thought back to all I had learned last night, about who I was, as a human-being. Wait, am I a human being? After all the changes to my body, am I human? I was so close to death, how can I be sure I'm not a walking corpse? I felt for my pulse at my wrist, thankfully, I felt the gentle rush of warm blood making its way to and from my hand. Well, at least I'm not dead, but what about my soul? For all I know I'm soulless, well, that's a question for later. If Ice is giving me the chance to live again, helping him as his companion, then I'm happy. Which means its time to get out of bed. I hit the button and the wall slides away and I roll out of bed, softly landing on my bare feet, a small chill hitting me as I notice Ice still asleep in bed. He must be tired after making sure I was okay for four full days. I quietly tiptoe out of the room and slip on my uniform, then head to the kitchen and quietly put two pans on the stove and make eggs and bacon, plopping toast in the toaster. I wonder how long its been since Ice visited the dining hall for a proper meal, at most five days ago, but that is still a really long time for a proper meal at a school like this. I plate everything and quietly set the two plates down, and sit on the bed. I whisper quietly, "Ice, I made you breakfast its time for you to wake up." He of course, as when trying to wake up any teenager, did not even come close to waking up. So I shake his shoulder gently, "Ice, wake up, I made you breakfast." I say a little more confidently. His eyes open, and I smile. He smiles back, his eyes full of mischief. Then, whithout warning, he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into bed. He rolls and suddenly he's on top of me, his weight resting on his elbows as he smiles down at me. "I am so happy you are awake, its way more fun and lively now that you are conscious again." I'm blushing bright red at his closeness, admiring his ice-y blue eyes, as his raven black hair wasn't covering his left eye as it usually does. Then as quickly as it happened, he rolls off me and gets the plates off the nightstand and hands me my own. He eats happily, demolishing all in his forks path quickly. "Fire, you are an amazing cook." He says smiling at me as I eat much slower than him. "Thank you for taking care of me Ice it really means a lot to me that you care for me so much." I say staring intently at my food, not wanting to meat his gaze. He gently takes hold of my chin moving it so I was face to face with him, but I looked at the wall, not meeting his eyes. "Fire please look at me." The heartbreaking sound of him begging instantly made me shift my eyes to meet the one eye I could see of his. "Fire, I you don't have to thank me, I'm happy to take care of you when ever you need me to, you aren't just a companion to me you're a partner. Companions may be one way streets, but partners work both ways, and thats what I want, a partnership, not a servant, which is all companions are to some people, but not to me. To me, you're much more special than that." His eyes stared into mine begging me to believe every word was true. After his short monologue, for some reason I couldn't understand, I started crying. He pulls me into a hug holding my head to his chest, as I tried to calm down. "Its all okay Fire, let it out." We stayed like that for a while after I stopped crying, neither of us wanting to let go of each other. But, eventually, I had to be reasonable and pulled myself out of his arms, and finished eating. I took our two plates in and washed them, humming softly to myself. I heard Ice enter the closet and smiled to myself, how often do two teenagers do this, out there in the normal world? He sat on the couch and turned on the flat creen and Xbox, he brought out two controllers and turned on some COD Zombie style and called me over, "Yo Fire, wanna play?" I walk over, "Sure." We play until dinner and then we turned off the t.v. and walked to the dining hall, laughing and joking with eachother abput the game and our gaming skills, in which he dubbed himself the Zombie-Killing King, as I laughed hysterically at his arrogance.