the hunger games

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by LuviPuppet, Jan 21, 2011.

  1. Anyone, like the book??? Ehhhhhhhhh, I'm bored.
  2. I read everything ...loved it
  3. Me too. I, heard they were making the books into movies.
  4. It'll be great
  5. Unless they don't screw it up.
  6. I know ! And how they will convey katniss' thoughts in the movie makes me wonder .. I hope gale is hot in the movie . 
  7. I know, I wonder of that too. They shouldn't get any of the characters wrong! They need fresh actors an actresses. Which brings me to "Peeta or Gale?"
  8. The boy with the bread shall be mine ! Muahahahahah .
  9. Haha peeta? Why? I like Peeta
  10. He seems .. Sweeter . Except with the tracker jacker venom .
  11. He wasn't sweet then
  12. Yeah that's way true.
  13. Everybody !! March 23rd 2012 is when The hunger games comes out . In movie . 
  14. Holy beep! How did you Found out?!?!
  15. I have my sources .. Looked around , did some extensive research ,. :p
  16. That's amazing!
  17. Dude I'm pumpedd 
  18. Me too but that's freaking a long time from now! Ahhhgzzzz D: