
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_A_-Pickle, May 18, 2013.

  1. lol yea ive been in two or three clubs that were club farming him/her she's actually considered a piece of shit by wayy more ppl than just op… i know u may call her a friend but that doesnt mean everyone has to
  2. Personally how many scammers are there out there tons .. I've talked to person_hey1 once and she didn't act immature at all and if I recall when darkmicky was scamming the crap outta people all I heard was you guys congratulating him so I don't wanna hear it.
  3. At least Micky was open about it.  Most people saw him coming. 

    It's the sneaky scammers who are particularly annoying. 
  4. Sir I barely no her because I've only talked to get once but just because op talks to her once doesn't mean he has the right to call her immature. If you ask me he's acting highly immature himself judging someone on a few encounters and just because other people say that about her doesn't mean that they are forcefully going to change my mind to think that way.
  5. OP didnt ask you to change your mind just stated an opinion… if you reread your comment you're trying to change OP's mind
  6. You're judging her off of one conversation, Anya. So the fact that you're calling me immature for judging her based on my encounters with her is a perfect example of hypocrisy.
  7. Person_Hey1 told me she/he wuz a boy
  8. Op I'm judging you by the way you judge others so peace 
  9.  Hypocrisy at its best. 
  10. Team Spanking 

    He's a quality lad whom I shall soon be defeating in the worlds most competitive 1 v 1 in the history of 1 v 1's ever and it will be beautiful and I will win and it will be majestic and love you Spankatron5000SiM (?)   Symbol of dominance 
  11. Actually, you said she was pretty cool, Anya. Is that not a judgement? You can not make a valid point when all of your arguments contradict one another.
    I'm starting to think person_hey1 is your alt?
    Why do I say that?
    You guys share the same silly logic and seem to make invalid points left and right .
    When you can argue with the big kids, Anya, come back.
  12. I've seen them both on a 3rd party app, they aren't the same. :p
  13. ^LMAO, Anya being Person? what a joke, I hope you're tryna be funny 

    Don't hurt yourself. 

  14. ^this totally came out way different then I expected.

    Fuck it, GIFT MEH
  15.  Lets just all forget this and laugh about it..
  16. I smell some beef 
  17.  Sorry, I had popcorn, but that isn't beef..
  18. So your popcorn smells like beef? Yucky.
  19.  What kind of popcorn smells like beef? My popcorn smells like popcorn..