
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by CA_KitKat_, Apr 7, 2013.

  1. This is amazing. Be careful with your tenses, because you switch back and forth. And you should proofread; there are a bunch of spelling mistakes. But overall, the story's fantastic. ^.^ Bump!

    And I vote go, too.
  2. Sorry I haven't posted, my tab broke and whiped my docx, so i have to rewrite that chapter, sorry, doesnt help when you are sick either ! :(
  3. I am not dead guys, just having serious writers block, will finish next chapter asap, sorry!
  4. Chapter 7

    I woke up feeling adventurous, so I put on some black running shorts and another sports bra, dark gray, then a black shirt over that.  I threw on some black hiking boots, feeling these would be the most supportive.  I put my white hair up in a high ponytail, and put on an exercise watch.  Then thought of Ice, I was leaving him.   I found a paper and pen and wrote him a short note saying I'd be back around tennish to shower and get ready for class.

    I ran out to Cato's meeting place easily, making it there before him. I waited only a minute though and Cato ran towards me from the grounds, as he's running the sun rises, and his muscular body was revealed, as if it sparkled, he wasnt wearing a shirt, it was tucked into his black basketball shorts.  I felt my jaw drop and quickly shut my mouth again, he flashed me a crooked grin.

    "You ready Fire?  This may give you hell."  He examined my creamy legs and slender neck, my chest was ignored because they were well hidden in the baggy shirt.

    "You doubting me Cato? I'll be fine!" I said, smiling up at his tall frame.

    "Ready, Set, Go!"  He said then bolted, then he bolted and I chased after him, chatching up easily.

    "Ha! That all you got Cato!"  I laugh into the wind, not understanding how I was keeping up so easily, I feel so free!Around three minutes I took off my shirt and put it through a shirt loop in the back of my shorts and cinched it up, running lightly.

    Cato spoke, breaking the silence, "Almost there!"

    He was breathing heavily, and I smiled up at him, "Then lets do this!"

    We made it there in six minutes flat.  I understood why he was breathing heavily, he must have set it up.  We were in a forest clearing, there was a deep navy blue blanket and silver, fluffy pillows set up, and a nice warm breakfast was set up on portable warming plates.  Some different books and magazines were set off at the edge for studying after eating.

    "Welcome to breakfast!  Fruit, eggs, bacon, sausage, and toast, hopefully enough to tide me over until lunch, oh, and you too."  He said, taking me like a gentleman to sit on the blanket.

    We ate for a while, the food delicious and hearty.  Then we moved to the books around 6:50, and he started talking about things like covers, that we, as companions often contributed to, so we had to be knowledgeable in both our cover, and things to assist the mission like lock picking and hacking computers, but most importantly, handling weapons to protect our master's well being.  He said we'd be working on covers today, and started talking to me about etiquette at formal parties.  After an hour he suggested a much needed brake, my brain was bursting with information I never thought I would ever need.

    Thats when it happened, Cato was leaning over me suddenly after I had layed down to watch the clouds.  He started caressing my face, I began feeling uncomfortable, then his hot lips were covering mine.  I tried to push him off, but my struggles were useless, he was so much stronger.  His hands moved over me and I batted them away, but I was getting light headed, I couldn't breathe!

    Tears flow down my cheeks as I hear a muffled yell, the wait comes away from me suddenly. Unfortunately, I black out as the dark blurry image of my savior approaches.
  5. Writers block cured after major inspirational moment, sorry I took so long, I've been having a couple just plain bad weeks!
  6. Minor spelling haha weight not wait but I love it really great job
  7. Whoa.I liked Cato. Why'd you have to make him go and rape her?
  8. Oops. I meant the censored word that starts with r.
  9. I love this story! PLease wall
    me when you update!!!
  10. Chapter 8

    I woke from the blackness to feel a soft bed, larger than my own compartment by the feel of the air, and softer too.  I don't open my eyes, but I assess my situation with my other senses.  It smells familiar, like a snowy day in a pine forest.  There is a cold, yet warm hand massaging my own, sending sparks up my whole arm.  I knew who it was, so I opened my eyes.

    Ice was holding my hand looking at me, as I open my eyes he smiles and pulls me into a hug holding my head to his chest.  "I'm so glad you're okay!  Please don't leave me again, I can't lose you, not now, please."    He strokes my hair as he speaks softly, his head in the crook of my neck.  His chest was shaking, and something wet fell down my neck, he's crying!

    His crying was making me sad, almost scared, so I do the one thing I know how to do, I speak, "I'm here,  I'm fine, I'm not leaving today, you aren't losing me anytime soon, don't worry, I'm fine."  At some point in my speaking, I had wrapped my arms around in his neck, stroking his soft, black hair.  His hair was giving off the beautiful snowy pine scent, it was so enticing.

    I start to feel unable to breathe so I say into his shoulder, "Uhmm... I can't breathe..."

    He pulled away, now I see I'm in his room, I've been sleeping in his bed!  Holding my shoulders he says, "I'm sorry, I've been so worried about you, you were out 4 days, you missed the whole school week!"

    "What?! There is no way I was out tht long!"

    "You were Fire, I'm sorry I didn't save you sooner, I failed to keep you out of unnecessary danger."

    I wiped away a tear on his cheek, "Smile for me, thank you for stopping him at all, I'm sorry I couldn't protect myself from him."

    He touched my cheek smiling,  "Its not your fault he's too strong."

    "Im still sorry Ice, I shouldn't have made you worry so much."

    "Its fine, so thats final, are you hungry?  You can have anything you want."

    At that moment my stomach betrays me and growls, "Yes, I am, can I have a bagel with cream cheese?"

    He rubs his temples shaking his head, "You can have anything, and you ask for a bagel?"


    "Okay, lets go, come on." He says, picking me up, he carries me out of our room.
  11. I'd like to say I'm sorry formaking you wait, but I have almost good news! Its almost the end of the school year and I promise to make my posts as frequent as possible! 3 weeks and counting! Hope you will continue reading!
  12. it was worth the wait  amazing! bump!! wall me again when you update please xxxx
  13. A few spelling mistakes but really good. Bump!