J31-The mod

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SIimShady, May 16, 2013.

  1. 1. mulva only hires lcbc (from what im told)

    2. who's yun yun?
  2.  Jen you know I lub you!!!!!!! Amazing player, best pupil, wonderful mod! If you don't know her pls take the time she is such a shining light 
  3. She volunteers to spend her hours helping on an online community/game so she's awesome in my book.
  4. Off topic again 

    Jen rocks. Yeah
  5. Yun Yun is #2 of LB now
  6. idk. im talkin to mags atm, figuring out what i should do
  7. #2 of lb? Is that a nickname for vip list?
  8. Leader board.
  9. VIP and lb are interchangeable to me
  10. 
    Jen is awesome!!
    Nuff said
  11. jen is legit. hopefully iv gotten in her good books with all the people iv led her to silence
  12. Jens the only mod I know  so I can't say she's my favorite cuz I don't know any others, but I can say she's sweet and considerate and she never gets exasperated over the stupidest questions. In my book, that's the best kind of mod 
  13.  any mod with the name Jen is good in my book 
  14. i had this idea already. Yes Jen is the very best
  15. Yep Jen ur a all time fave next to cookie
  16. J31 is the only mod who apologizes when's she's wrong j31>rest of mods > Recinna
  17. j31,feel the love