Volley partner needed with enough to get me 200mil

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by InactiveZed, May 7, 2013.

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  1. i could, but...

  2. you asked for a dv, i replied in an on-topic matter in the form of:


    see, its on topic
  3. When i Farm Enough Out Of You Ill DV You?
  4. not spam, just making sure you understand that:

    no one wants to give you money. now earn it like we did
  5. So you're on here begging for other people's hard earned money, then threaten to ban people who tell you to get stuffed? 

    News flash: you can't forum ban anyone. Only support can. And no-one has spammed or cursed so we're good 

    Anyway. There's waaaaaay to many scrounging beggars like you these days. Learn to earn your own money instead of being a parasitic leech on the back of other people.
  6. farm --demon_slayer-- he was my farm when my intel was only 1k, so have fun and earn money like we did
  7. lmao casper
  8. Yea there is no free lunch in this world , u wanna grow u gotta earn it urself through hardwork , open forum.thread wont help , cos everyone here earns their own money to upgrade , if ur lazy u can spam ec too btw u can try farm ⇨partydance⇦for money , but first u need to hav max plunder lol just ask ur pupil abt it he/she will know for sure
  9. In Some Places You Can Get Free Lunch But I Know What You Mean
  10. if i had free lunch id be really fat.
  11. You come here and make rules, rudely might I add, for how you will allow a stranger to dv you cash? smh
  12. ok, im thinking of a number between 1-10

    winner gets to request lock
  13. Sure ill give you a Dv

    Of 0$ and 0¢ 
  14. id take it if i were you
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