Çurse øf the Døll

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Melancholy--_--, May 5, 2013.

  1. Hello Mel again, with this story I try and write in a different writing style from both my other story and my collaboration with Cin. Call this a side project while I take a little scenic tour from Project E.S.G. I will promise to update that after a little journey.

    Episode 1:

    ~Męétįñg øf å Võødôõ Dølł~

    As the legend goes if a partner and a Voodoo Doll have an unwavering connection, they may be given chance to stay with each other forever. Only through battling other Voodoo Dolls and controllers though will they begin to understand the meaning for that connection. As the power is given to you, do not rush but scan ahead to see who will become victorious and win the ultimate prize. Immortality.

    As the dawn of Spring arose, the blossoming flower petals moved with the slight beat of the wind. On the path to the start of her journey a young girl sat on a brick wall, slightly higher then her height. Dangling her limbs over the edge, her legs where covered with black stockings that just came up to her short red skirt. The striped yellow and orange shirt was covered by a red over hang that flowed to the mercy of the wind. Jumping off of the brick wall she landed with ease, her short, spiked up blue hair jolted and her cat eared, red cap almost came off. She reached over her head and fixed the cat eared cap to the position it was originally. Lastly she pulled out a small figure from her pocket, this beautiful doll had long waist length, pink hair that from the front you could see it was tied into four pig tails each tied up in red ribbon. A long medieval style, dark blue dress that had a white collar surrounding it, with a big red ribbon neatly tied up for show at the front of the ensemble.

    "Lucy La'More, my Voodoo Doll hear me speak these words and strengthen our bond of friendship! Vengono Combattiamo Quindi!" The girls voice sounded like honeysuckle in the Spring breeze, the doll though begun to grow. It appeared in front of the girl and was almost half her height taller then her. The doll was not an ordinary one. It was a chosen Voodoo Doll. The Voodoos huge, light red eyes stared into the smaller girls darker shade of red eyes.

    "You summoned Lady Mima!" The Voodoo named Lucy spoke with excitement in her voice and licked her lips. "Is it fight time?" She had a haunting demon presence about her but the Controller didn't seem fazed.

    "You bet!" Mima the controller shot her Voodoo a thumbs up before returning back to the brick wall, standing on it this time. "Lucy La'More draw weapon!" Mimas right arm flagged up in the air, Lucy's body followed in unison but unlike Mima, a huge black axe appeared out of what seemed like thin air as Lucy proceeded to grab it.

    "Come out Voodoo Doll I know your here, the note you gave us said three-thirty so don't blame me if your not prepared to battle." Mima had reached out and pulled a note out of her skirt pocket and started to wave it around.
  2. Thank you to Cin for letting me use the character personalities of a profile she did. Also to the random pictures she used them on witch I borrowed the design from.
  3. This is great! There are just a few word errors, so you might want to proof read before posting! Anyways, BUMP!
  4. No problem!!! I think it's really creative how you used them
    Bump, Bump. I love reading Mel's stories, and I love reading about my characters. They feel quite real now
  5. I'm gonna bump this always to show my support to Mel~ You did a great job! 
  6. This is so original! Love it!
  7. Episode 2:

    ~Çłåšh øf Łèø åñd Vãrgåš~

    The wind calmly bounced off of Mima’s strains of hair, the curious look in her eyes always corresponding with her ever changing environment. The eerie atmosphere surrounding the Controller and Voodoo Doll prompted a fight, out of the corner of Mima’s dark red eyes, a young boy slowly came into vision. He was not that much taller than the blue headed girl and had golden looks spurting out of his head, each neatly arranged to form four huge tilted spikes. His fiery amber eyes looking for a battle as he stepped in front of the Voodoo Doll, Lucy lead out a poised cough.

    “Do you really think I’m going to be caught dead fighting a messily human, after all you’d be dead in three minutes.” Lucy prompted to hold up three of her pale skinny figures to emphasize the point of her self-assuredness. The young boy and Lucy's eyes meet with ever burning passion to fight, to win and to not give up.

    The golden haired boy just let out an irritating laugh. “Listen Lucy La’ More I may be just a mere human but you underestimate my power! I know and respect that you and your Controller Mima have an excellent connection and fighting skills but what you miss is spirit and heart!”

    The look on the shorter, blue haired girls face dropped as she looked down from the brick wall to face Lucy, Lucy instinctively turned around to face her Controller, giving her a slight why-don't-they-just-give-up look.

    “Lady Mima you have a heart right?” The pinked haired Voodoo Doll spoke mocking the boy with her sly voice.

    “I do Lucy. Do you have spirit my Voodoo Doll?” Mima responded trying to hold back her laughter. She decided it was time to end the joke. “Hey kid, listen we are not kidding. We also commend you for realising what you’re up against but seriously next time, bring your Doll so we can fight a real fight.” The red capped girl turned to the confident, fiery eyed boy.

    His tanned body tighten, clenching up, turning the skin of his hands to a pale white colour, his teeth looking like they could break from friction at any time. He still held a proud pose, showing unwavering confidence, looking into the lighter red eyes of Lucy the Voodoo Doll, smiling arrogantly and spiritedly.

    “That’s it! You have to be the pair we fight.” Suddenly the boy was cut off, the shadow of a taller man approached covering the boy from both the girls sights. From the back it showed he was reasonably older than any of the others present, the long dark blue hair of mysterious gentlemen flowed unrestrained in the slow blowing wind. The older gentleman, taking his time, slowly turned to face Lucy and Mima. His face had a warm, fatherly presence of a smile.

    “I’m sorry Leo caused you so much trouble, he has been wanting me to fight stronger opponents, ever since we transferred to this area a week ago. In our old town we have easily eliminated all the Controller connections, making the hearts of the Controllers as well as the Voodoo Dolls blacken.” The older man stood up, picking Leo the golden head boy up and placing him so he was in a piggy back position, where each leg hang over each of the dark blue haired man shoulders. “I hope to fight at a more reasonable time. When I am consulted about the fight this time. Say four thirty tomorrow at Connect Fountain?” His tone implied he was one with wisdom but also that he couldn't believe he had to babysit a little kid.

    “We will be there! Don’t you two skip out because you got frightened of Lady Mima’s and my power.” The pink haired Voodoo poked her tongue out at the two challengers as Lucy queued her Controller it was time to go. Mima jumped down effortlessly from the brick wall and walk to catch up, be at Lucy’s side.

    “Aren’t you a bit worried Lucy?” Mima asked looking towards the ground in sheer concernment, a tremor in her voice.Lucy quickly rapped her arms around the smaller girl, engulfing her into a warm hug, she placed her check upon her Controllers red cat eared cap.

    “Why Mima? I’m not scared, just because he’s finished off his town doesn’t mean he is that strong. Maybe the Voodoo Dolls in that town didn’t have the strong connection we have.” She pulled Mima in closer, squeezing her so hard she let out a groan.

    “I know we are strong but the opponents just seem to keep getting stronger and tougher with each challenge, the battle for the prize is just beginning to get tuff. Maybe all the battles that we have fought in so far have just been warm ups.” Mima looked uneasily into the lighter red eyes of her Voodoo.

    Lucy returned the gaze with a reassuring look. “We will win Mima, I can assure you of that. I’m not letting any other Voodoo Doll take away our connection.” The birds began to chirp a light melody, one that travels across the breeze of the wind.

    Once a Voodoo Doll loses the fight, the connection between it and the Controller will be broken. Leaving both with a blacken heart and a hopeless future for the both of them. The Voodoo Doll though, must keep marching on, in order to find the meaning of why that connection ever existed in the first place and why it must use it to live.
  8. Thank you for the comments, I'm glad your all enjoying it. I hope to wirte my best. Naviesa I hope to keep the spelling and punctuation errors to a minim so the story will get to keep flowing.
  9. *Write, I'm going to have to try harder.
  10. Bump  Good job Mel
  11.  BUMP  
  12.  This is really good. A few spelling/grammar mistakes, but otherwise flawless.
  13. I love how you put Leo and Vargas to great usethere goes Mel again
  15. Amazing, readers thank you for supporting my story. I hope to keep up writing to the best of my abilities.
  16. Episode 3:

    ~Çøñńęčtïøñ vß. Frįēñdšhįp ~

    The crisp afternoon air resonated throughout the peaceful and almost deserted park, the blue birds were drinking quietly from the birdbath. The echoing sound from a grand piano played through the still air surrounding the park, locking the sound waves in the lushes green hedge surrounding area. In the middle held location to an old looking fountain, the stone angel that appeared on top of it for decoration had slowly crumbled over time to reveal that one of its wings had fallen off. On the left side of the fountain two eager girls were standing at the foot of the angel structure, observing the little puddle of water that survived from a recent rain storm. On the right side a young looking boy with golden hair stood, eyeing the Controller Mima as the older looking of the pair sat on the fountains edge gently placing his finger tip on the surface of the liquid and tracing it on the water. The slight ripples showed the disillusion of the sky, turning back to normal after a few seconds.

    “So are you ladies just going to stand there or what?!” The golden haired Controller Leo shouted at the girls.

    The two proceeded to take the fighting stage, the Voodoo Doll know as Lucy stood in the middle of the two Controllers as Mima took a step back making sure not to get in her Dolls way. Mima looked down at the ground for a moment before she eyed the challenging Controller. "Lucy La’ More, my Voodoo Doll hear me speak these words and strengthen our bond of friendship! Vengono Combattiamo Quindi!" Mima and Lucy, in unison raised their arms into the air, the Voodoo Doll Lucy now holding on to a huge black axe.

    “Ha, nice posing but check out how a man and his Voodoo do it!” Leo placed his left hand on his golden hair and flipped his spiked locks. “Manly Voodoo of the Ocean here the sea creatures voice, Datang Mari Kita Melawan Maka!” Leo’s voice boomed throughout the park, startling the birds making the flying creatures fly away.

    The older man’s body began to charge towards Lucy, Leos hands moved in jabbing motion towards the air. Mima through her arm up into the space above her head, Lucy's body swiftly reacted as she jumped up to avoid the attack. Though there wasn’t much room to rest, as Leo gestured his fingers slightly, the Voodoo Doll reached beneath his jean covered leg and pulled out a silver staff. He swang out at Lucy as she barely missed the attack, her long, pink hair slightly touched the staff's edge as she fell upon the laws of gravity and landed on the weathered, white concrete paved path.

    “How rude of me.” The intelligent tone of the dark blue haired Doll spoke. “Did I not tell you of my name?” He asked, implying that he already knew the answer. Lucy sharply moved her axe to a defending positing as the older Voodoo continuously collided the black axe with his silver staff.

    “No, you did not tell us geezer.” Lucy said grinding her teeth at the amber sparks flying between the two weapons now, as both Controllers quickly and controllably moved their fingers in motion. With each corresponding move the Voodoo Dolls mirrored.

    “Geezer? Maybe to you young Voodoo but I have been doing this much longer then you have and have seen many a child became blackened." The dark blue haired Voodoo Doll gazed down towards the ground beneath him, regret and sorrow filling up in his eyes. "Not this time though I will…I will protect Leo! He means more to me than all the past Controllers I have had put together. You have no understanding of what it’s like to be blackened! Vargas must...Win.” Vargas the Voodoo Doll suddenly picked up his movement and charged his whole body into Lucy's.

    The red ribboned Voodoo stumbled back bumping into Mima, making the both of them fall down. “Lucy!” Mima cried for her Voodoo as she let out a small aqua marine tear. Mima slowly blink making the tear splatter and dissolve into the warm mist of the air, her back had now come down hard on the sun bleached concrete.

    “Mima!” Lucy screamed as she stumbled onto Mima's tiny body, protecting her from Vargas who had fallen through on his attack and was now heading straight for the Controller and her Voodoo Doll.
  17. This is really creepy.