Just to clear up a few things here, I have seen mag saving ppl from sf, protecting his club members and being a responsible leader. He has helped defend against cyber bullies and pervs, also has fought with ata over consumers rights, I've witnessed a lot of hate over the last few months but were are the comments about him gifting showcase items that cost EC and asking for nothing in return but believe me when I say if you take the time to talk to people and actually listen to facts you will see the above mentioned is true
We are more than club we are family One is affected we all are and thanks for thread. Mag is a freind as are all mags. And all are respected and very loyal Thank you mag and all mags
I too have gotten to know mag recently. There was a problem and instead of just farming me he took the time to actually find out what happened. Most people won't do that. I have a lot of respect for and, not that he needs it, will stand by Mags!! Keep up the good work bro.
Bear, I have to agree with you Mag cares about the community 90 percent o the time. Then there is the 10 percent he is know for. Mag or one of his club members loosing their temper and wanting to bully players to reset "because they can". Most of us are all guilty of loosing our tempers on this game, however I mag wants to be the community player he needs to rise above it and be careful to use his clubs strength only to better the game. Otherwise he is remembered for the wrongs he's done and not ever seen for the good.
Thanks bear. Haters will always hate. But we mags will always stand as one. You can call us cowards to fight in a group. But we look out for each other as a club. Dont hate us just cuz your club doesn't want to stick up together with you to solve problems. Dont judge a book by its cover. Dont let emotions cloud your thoughts about someone. This is all just a game. Dont take it too far. We love all and we respect all. Enjoy your day. And remember to have fun. If this isnt fun then its just like a job. Doing something you dont like. Ty all. Licky
Nicely put licky Nothing thing I don't understand is why is it only mags members are called sheep but no other clubs Im sure you all have followers to. Just thought I ask
Every time I read a thread about Mag, I get to thinking even more. The reason I disagree with him a lot is because he is always saying he isn't a bully, he's trying to better the community, however he's bullying bullies and pervs. That's like the pot calling the kettle black. You can't preach one thing then go against it when you feel like you can. It's not Mags job to police PimD. He's a regular player just like everyone else. Just because he's spent thousands of dollars on this game doesn't mean he gets any special treatment.
To bear, i agree that mag has gift EC items to even small players that may be a stranger to him. Deep down i feel mag is not a selfish and a giving person whc i feel is nice. Maybe thats why he has many followersAnws SFW happens for a reason. Its always Diff People Diff Perception, all i knw mag is not a proud fella, i followed him when im still a noob n he followed back n talks to an unkown person like me everything happens for a reason n if Mag is in sfw, what did u do? Not taking sides here but just saying what i feel. No heart feelings yeah cheers to all
Mag is my boy and has always treated all as equals. He has always consulted with me and shown great respect even when i was a noob. He backed me when i downsized 450kcs to farm ppl who disrespected or farmed friends for no reason. im proud to be a mag and have his back. so all u haters keep hating we love it . just dont hate for the wrong reason or because u were misinformed about us. mag till the end. i get alot of respect from most for my loyalty to friends and pursuit of right for all and honesty. Mag is a great guy if u gave him a chance.