Yes? No?Maybe?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *BH-_-BeenHereSinceDayOne (01), Apr 28, 2013.

  1. o_O there no question

    Though bump !!
  2. 

    Who am i?
  3. ARI.

    What would you do for a Klondike bar?
  4. you are あい

    who am i?
  5. Zed

    Do u know me
  6. No. I've heard of you, I think

    When are humans going to go extinct?
  7. Dec 21 2012

    Do you like cheese?
  8. Yes except blue cheese

    Should i know u
  9. Yes.

    Why do I keep responding on this thread?
  10. Cause it's awesome

    How do I shut off the auto function for breathing?
  11. I didn't know there was one o.o

    Why would you wanna shut it off?
  12. to make stop horrible yes
  13. ...

    What is that? 
  14. Its a bird, its a plane. 

    How many fingers am I holding up?
  15. none

    Why do we speak different languages
  16. because we talk about you

    why does my dog hate the smell of my farts?
  17. Because their nose are sensitive

    Why is school so boring?
  18. Cuz learning isn't fun

    Do u play guitar
  19. No, i play trumpet

    Why do people sneeze?
  20. bc they don't fart

    Do u like to dance