
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TMI-CandyCornerDoll, May 1, 2013.

  1. not desbut name close
  2. I'm sorry I don't recognize you. But, hi anyway 
  3. Lol, not you. Des. 
  4. I'm an alt. a new one
  5. my angelic fallen angel doesn't recognize me
  6.  I texted you back hours ago you noob
  7. Jessy? 
  8. No you di'int 
  9.  I know you. 
     Take a guess.
  10. Psychic 
    Ashliee.  Close. 
  11.  I know Fishy too.
  12. Wait, Justin thought that Sparrow was me? 0.õ

    I feel honored.  And yeah, I'm TheMeanGirl. 