
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TMI-CandyCornerDoll, May 1, 2013.

  1. So... How the hell did you recognize me so fast?  God damn. 
  2. Wait. I think I have an idea. /)_•

    Forget my question. .-.
  3. Your title, stupid LOL
  4. Wyatt
  5. That's cheating. 
    I'm kidding.

    My title lies. 
  6. Justin called you Wyatt on Justin's thread 
  7. I think I should have a legal name change.  Go for Pablo.  Nah. If anything, I'd go with Dakota. 
  8. Armando. If I was a guy, that would be my name.
  9. I know a guy who's name was Arman.  Serious.
  10. Borrring.

    Armando = best ever.

    But, you can't say it like "Are-mon-doe". You have to say it like "Arrrd-mahn-doh".
  11. I knew of an Armando.
    Wasn't fond of the dude
  12. Those things are ugggly. Grossest road kill ever.
  13. I know you 
  14. Hi A.how are you
    you probably don't recognize me
    I'm an alt
  15. Des 

    Text me back, why don't you :c