The Person Below Me...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VictoriaVanity, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. I wish lmao

    Person below me plays with dolls
  2. Nah

    The person below me thinks its cool to own spiderman posters
  3. ehh nope

    Person below me is drunk n pee on its pants
  4. Stalker!!!

    the person below me wants to live in a pineapple under the sea!
  5. And have a friend who is a crab who lives in bikini bottom! Yeah I love crabs 

    Person below me will quit this game
  6. Probably, not

    The person below me will make my shoes shine!
  7. nope

    i gave the person below me crabs
  8. Only if it's Dole. Pineapples!!!

    The person below me plays this game in their underwear while sigh line is played...
  9. A long time ago....

  10. Close, I'm in pjs

    The person below me curses all the time.
  11. No only some timea

    The person below me eats belly buton fluff
  12. Wow! I didn't know that.

    The person below me sells porcupine spikes to blowfish!
  13. False

    Person below me is a serial killer
  14. No I'm not D:<

    Person below me I shall adopt since to of my kids disappeared. No I'm not a serial killer.
  15. No thanks aready have a pimd mom& dad

    Person below me has wet dreams
  16. Nope.

    The person below me washed up from the sea.
  17. Nope

    Person below me hate music
  18. False

    The person below me, loves me
  19. maybe in my dreams

    Person below me will dye hair to color orange