How to annoy people

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -AOD-king, Apr 22, 2013.

  1. Make people to notice you in doing bad things that will make them mad..
  2. My guess is that there will be no dv for the winner considering that would be the way op would mildly annoy all the people and the winner who posted in this thread. 

    thank you for the lesson on how to mildly annoy people
  3. On my first time on a bus, I was sitting there, and the driver pulled off, and I yelled "WAIT! I'M NOT STRAPPED IN!"
  4. That awkward moment when u relize Dora has more freedom then u and she only five
  5. I can't believe my eyes... although I'm a skeleton and I don't have eyes! YOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO! 
  6. I dare u to laugh , or not u have to gimme a 5b dv and if u laughed, WHERE'S MY DAMN 5B DV
  7. King I can farm u from my alt till u laugh and give me 5b dv. Do u like that. If u like then tell me. If u don't. Then laugh
  8. King are you trying to prank me?
  9. Np rachyou guessed corrrectly
  10. Lol prince
  11. I hate you king .-.
  12. You annoy people by asking for a level 9 an under Reshiram .-.
  13. And there you are...how to pointlessly annoy people
  14. Wanna hear a clean joke? A man took a bath with bubbles. Haha ok seriously though wanna hear a dirty joke? Bubbles was the girl next door. :)
  15. Bubbles was the name of my old dog. :/
  16. oh well a man taking a bath with your old dog takes that joke somewhere no man should journy too 
  17. Journey ⇧ sorry
  18. A way to annoy people

    Go up to them and say wow I can't beleive you didn't say hi and then frown until they feel guilty wich leads to annoyance


    Or talk like I am that you are already wayyyy important and make faces like you own this post

    But I am the creator of this post heheh

    Again sayin hi to y'all and bein random on here just checkin it out not trying to annoy people.....

    Which would be ironic on this thread