You won't even win a 1on 1 war with me on that stat stat how else will u war the whole of Club A51? Wake up lol!
I would have said amazing thread. Except either i've been dreaming too much in pimd not to notice this war or the OP is in a better dreamland than mine. Now I am curious where did OP get his dreamland from. Obviously he has a wayy better dream than most of us.
If he did forfeit the war then why is a big deal? You guys obviously wouldn't of won in the first place. And the "war" you guys are talking about isn't in either clubs war history.
Cause they think they are sooooo cool and dont know how to keep there anger management under control If your so bad ACCEPT THE WAR THIS TIME well see how long it lasts till i kick ass again and make u forfiet
in other words, you declared war they accepted but one person left so the war didnt active. so you didnt really win, they were jist saving you from getting your butts whooped in war
I have visited A51 its a great club but they could have gone through with the war lol So what if they kicked his ass lol but ff just gave Kelon a win.
Mr Melons I do not understand why you are always defenders is too weakling You have the twice the times of my statistics, and yet i am beating you every time. I also am stealing your potatoes. My friend he says you have tired the energy by the do the jobs so you cannot be hitten by -alt- You will come to discotheque and I challenge you to the arm wrestle and the ultimate dance off for proof who is real mans