
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Meagan, Apr 20, 2013.

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  1. Okay so we all know our lovely mod Nekkie is in love with bacon..... Well........

    Heres a thread to express your love for bacon!!!




































    Royale  Found bacon Cupcakes!



    bacon 
  2. Making me hungry. 
  3.  Bacon is good
  4. go eat Food 
  5. careful meg nekkie might shut this forum down for being to tasty lol
  6. U forgot the bacon coffin 
  7. too tasty??? is that even possible?
  8. The internet exaggerates bacon.
  9. Jopo, I thought the Internet underestimated bacon?
  10. ^^^ agreed.

    Its all about ramen anyways.
  11.  oh gosh, so much bacon!!

    Bacon ftw
  12. The last piece of bacon is the most tastiest but also the most disappointing piece lol so yeah there is such a thing lol
  13. see Nekkie I wasn't joking 

    bacon ftw
  14. Bacon is meh

    Bacon pancakes on the other hand..
  15. Cindy here 



  16. Omfg for the love of bacon
  17. Bacon pancakes. I will marry the person who makes me bacon pancakes. The best breakfast ever. If you can make a breakfast better than me, with all the meat I can eat, I will love you forever. 
  18. I think ill be the one cooking in my marriage lol.
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