Which is better Digimon vs.Pokemon

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by JackKirby, Apr 20, 2013.

  1. vote so Far Digimon 7 pokemon 10 :'0
  2. Pokemon all the way!
    In my opinion, the new version sucks. The old one was a lot better.
  3. POKEMON cute, fun, and authentic ^O^b
  4. Old pokemon  That was my childhood!
  5. I always liked them both
  6. Pokemon
  7. Whenever I need to "lift up the spirits", I watch the new Pokemon, because Ash's partner always seems more ummm.... revealing.
  8. Digimon are fantastic... But world 1 where it was like tamagachi was boss, pokemon need a better storyline than fight all gym leaders beat fantastic 4 and beat game. Tho I really like pokemon... Megaman is pimp... But what teally needs to happen is a new Final Fantasy 7 same game, better graphics and new add-ons
  9. Final fantasy!?!?!?!? I only like whatever one is Cloud's story.
  10. Iove finalfantasy
  11. Cloud is my favorite character. Along with Sephiroth, Lightning is pretty cool or pretty and cool xD, Squall is a beast.
  12. Lmao i love squall so handsome altho i really like vincent and sephiroth theyre really cool hahaha
  13. Its all about the hair, and sword.
  14. Lmao yup and actually their skills to fight
  15. Not really. If they have cool hair and a cool sword then they already know how to fight.
  16. Lol uh huh ill hold a sword and i suddenly have cool hair? Haha